Israel In Palestine — From Zionism To Techno-Nazism

Mark Timberlake
Published in
7 min readMay 10, 2024


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The Hebrew university sociologist Baruch Kimmerling referred to Gaza as ‘the world’s largest concentration camp ever.’ The academic Norman Finkelstein suggested that Gaza was more like an extermination camp considering Israel’s systematic poisoning of Gaza’s water and agricultural land.

The Nazis tattooed ID numbers onto concentration camp prisoners by pressing metal stamps into the flesh and then covering the wound with ink — this brutal method was intended to dehumanise. With the same intent, Israel was fitting non-retractable ID tags onto Palestinians.

The irony of the Gaza conflict is that the Jews — marked for extermination by the Nazis — are now the oppressors, replicating Nazi methods (propaganda, dehumanisation, ethnic cleansing, concentration camps, starvation, collective punishment, kill lists, tattooing ID numbers) augmented with US technological innovations and disinformation to systematically dehumanise, displace, or exterminate the Palestinians — Techno-Nazism

This story is about why Israel has adopted Nazi methods of oppression, and how technology is facilitating a new holocaust in Palestine.

During the Second World War, Major General Reinhard Gehlen, Germany’s spy chief on the eastern front, pioneered the use of kill lists compiled from interrogations of Soviet prisoners. The kill lists were passed onto the Gestapo and Einsatzgruppen — the…



Mark Timberlake

A quest for insights from subterranean depths. Seeker of ideas, awakenings, alchemy. Thoughts from a troubled star.