It Has Been Officially Announced. Poland Is Sending Its Fighter Jets To Ukraine.

Ukraine Control Your Skies Better Than Ever Before.

That Guy, Noah


Picture credit: Wikipedia. MiG-29

The last year has seen Poland become an even closer friend to Ukraine than it already was, making Poland Ukraine’s closest ally Poland has ever been. As the invasion of Ukraine began, Poland immediately opened its doors to all of the refugees who were seeking refuge there, knowing that they were running for their lives.

When a number of days, weeks, and months had passed, Poland made the decision to provide Ukraine with guns and arms in the hopes of improving Ukraine’s chances of victory over the Russians. These featured weapons capable of easy fire, such as handguns and automatic rifles, as well as relief for the needy, ammo, and a great deal more.

On the other hand, for Ukraine, that is not sufficient. You have to realize that this man is standing not for Ukraine but rather for Europe. As much as people despise watching a man call for more and more weaponry to be brought to his nation, you have to understand that this man is standing for Europe.

Some have said that Russian attacks have subsided, because of the lack of artillery shells, the fighting is still going on, and the enemy is trying to break through Ukrainian defenses. The current…



That Guy, Noah

Writer on Russo-Ukraine war, always sharing two sides of the story. Ukraine's fight for freedom and democracy supporter.