Joe Biden Gives Too Much To Renewable Energy

Scott Anthony
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2023
Picture of Joe Biden|Photo From WikiMedia

According to Politico, clean energy projects will occur mostly in GOP districts. 123 GOP districts will see clean energy as opposed to the 77 democrat districts.

Conservatives fundamentally disagree with Joe Biden and his renewable energy plan. Now Joe Biden is putting more renewable energy projects into action.

The government has incentivized clean energy projects by giving “$370 billion pot of federal tax incentives”. This would give people the opportunity to possibly put solar panels on their homes.

Joe Biden wants to create an American which would rely on clean energy. But other economic and military powers do not want to change to renewable energy. Russia, China and India are all examples of countries that do not care about clean energy. India needs to boost its economy and must sustain its population.

India has produced 2.46 million tons of crude oil in 2022, and will be using its oil for energy. India is expected to have much more oil in 2027. India is also now the third largest producer of greenhouse gasses. This means that India is right before China as largest producers of greenhouse gasses.

China wants to ramp up its production of oil, and may take the entirety of the South China Sea in order to boost oil production. The South China Sea is incredibly large and comes to around 1.3 million square miles of land. If China wants to take this land then It would have to fight countries like Vietnam or Taiwan.

This is clearly a good thing for the US, but China may want to actually fight. China has already been circling the border of Taiwan and has put up threats in the South China Sea. China could also be collaborating with the Russian military. As we saw earlier this month, an envoy of Russian and Chinese warships.

Should Biden be continuing his efforts in renewable energy. Biden may not see the fruits of his labor in the next term. Conservative voters have attacked him over renewables and this will reflect in the polls. Our enemies just do not care about the climate change initiative. If Biden wants to stay a float, then he should continue the Willow Project and he should stop putting so much money into renewable energy.

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