Letter to a Lawmaker: The plea for UAP investigation

UFO Study
Published in
6 min readJan 18, 2021
Artist rendition of the Navy’s gimbal UAP video.

The UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) disclosure process is well on its way. The last three years has seen the subject go mainstream and major publications such as the New York Times, Scientific American, Space.com, and Popular Mechanics are positively discussing the most recent developments.

In addition to media buzz, the U.S. government tangentially admitted UAP are real by legitimizing leaked UAP videos and recently establishing a task force to learn more about them. Senior politicians have openly stated their concerns as well, and in some cases, have suggested UAP may not be human-made. The perception that the phenomena is unworthy of study is quickly becoming outdated.

The future of UAP disclosure is promising, but still uncertain. It’s unknown how the process will unfold and what its consequences will be. However, as more credible information comes in and media coverage increases, what is certain, is the step by step awakening of the American public to the fact that UAP inhabit our airspace.

But when will the toothpaste be out of the tube? When will enough evidence and meaningful statements by high profile individuals make it impossible for the public consciousness to ignore UAP, even if the powers that be try to bury the movement?

What leak, if any, will be next? Will more Pentagon insiders and whistleblowers come forward? Will more politicians speak on the issue? If the future holds anymore surprises, the next few years may bring the point of no return for the UAP coverup.

Chris Mellon, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence & Lue Elizondo, Former Director of Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)

The disclosure movement began as an organized effort, by former intelligence officials, to publicize concerns about UAP. The movement benefits from at least a decade and a half of previous efforts in Congress to advance the UAP agenda. Powerful politicians were involved in securing funds and had a vested interest in setting up secret programs to investigate UAP. A significant amount of political leverage was put to work. Continuous legislative efforts recently led to the creation of the upcoming Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), a temporary task force setup by the office of Naval Intelligence to investigate UAP.

For the disclosure movement, media attention became very important in garnering interest and public support. Chris Mellon and Lue Elizondo made frequent media appearances, starred in a History Channel TV show, and riled up social media. Elizondo has plainly stated his mission has always been to “push for disclosure.”

What was unexcepted was the tepid public response to announcements such as the Pentagon admitting leaked UAP videos are government property or the the creation of UAPTF. As successful as the effort has been, more public engagement is needed.

The disclosure movement would benefit from a surge in public interest that can be transformed into political ammunition and ultimately lead to permanent resources for the study of UAP.

Public interest is critical to the mission of UAP disclosure. The opportunities that become available when you have an energized and influential base are far-reaching. Public support could push the disclosure effort beyond the finish line and to the point of no return; that is, the tipping point where the UAP coverup will inevitably unravel.

Below is a template letter formatted to address congressional representatives about the need for transparent UAP investigation and the audit of special access programs containing UAP information, across U.S Intelligence agencies, the U.S. Armed Forces, and private industry contractors. If you’re interested in contacting your representative to express your concern on this issue please use the letter below with your name and your representative’s information.

Find your Congressman/Senator

Photo by Darren Halstead on Unsplash

U.S. House of Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

U.S. Senate: https://www.senate.gov/

For maximum effectiveness send an email and a letter. Although it seems counterintuitive, letters are more impactful to lawmakers and are likely to get more attention. Include your address in your letter to prompt a response. Use the template link below to express your concern or express your thoughts on why this issue needs congressional attention in your own words. Limit yourself to one page, select two points at most to elaborate on, and be clear and concise in making them.

Dear Full Name & Title,

My name is ______ and I am honored to address you as a member of the constituency you represent. In 2017, The New York Times reported that US Navy pilots had encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP), raising concerns over unauthorized aircraft in sensitive U.S. airspace. The encounters are supported by multiple eyewitnesses, radar, and military-grade FLIR video. Former intelligence officials agree the matter is a national security concern as reported UAP are often seen over U.S. military installations and seemingly outperform any known aircraft. As a member of your constituency and a concerned American, I respectfully ask that you support the transparent investigation of UAP, and work to keep the public informed on current developments.

No one knows the origin of reported UAP, but the American public deserves to know why they are here. Recently, the Department of Defense announced the creation of the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), a program that will investigate UAP more openly compared to prior efforts. Military officials, scientists, and millions of Americans are increasingly calling for the study of UAP. Below are quotes by politicians and former intelligence officials on the reality of UAP.

“We haven’t had a hundred [military UAP sightings] but thousands of them” — Harry Reid, Former Senate Majority Leader (NV)

“We have things flying over our military bases and places where we are conducting military exercises and we don’t know what it is and it isn’t ours,…and they exhibit, potentially, technologies that you [sic] don’t have at your [sic] own disposal.” — Marco Rubio, Senator (FL)

“You think the U.S. government has debris from a UFO, in its possession right now”? — Tucker Carlson

“Simply put, yes.” — Luis Elizondo, Former Director of Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)

“If there is some recovered [UAP] debris, say. It is so deeply buried and squirreled away that it’s outside of those normal oversight processes and that’s where there’s a problem in this area.” — Chris Mellon, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence

“But I think some of the phenomena we’re going to be seeing continues to be unexplained and might, in fact, be some type of phenomenon that is the result of something that we don’t yet understand and that could involve some type of activity that some might say constitutes a different form of life.” — John Brennan, Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

In addition to UAP sightings, the NYT reports Senate Intelligence Committee staff members were briefed on recovered materials of “off world vehicles”, a significant development of substantial value. This letter calls for the transparent investigation of UAP anomalies and the audit of restricted special access programs, collecting information about the phenomena, in U.S. Intelligence agencies, the U.S. Armed Forces, and private industry affiliates. Programs with such valuable information should not operate in the shadows and lack the oversight of the American people.

The study of UAP is not only of national security importance, but a potential benefit to humanity because of its scientific and cultural implications. We the people, urge Congress to do the right thing and not keep the American public in the dark about one of the most important developments of our time.


(your name)

