‘Life as Usual’ — Why are People Ignoring COVID-19 Restrictions?

Governments will take our rights from us if we can’t agree on voluntary sacrifice in the face of pandemic

Alex Trauth-Goik


Photo by Sofía Moya on Unsplash

As COVID-19 continues its global rampage and health systems strain under the weight of surging hospital admissions, the repercussions associated with elevating personal wants over collective needs are becoming increasingly severe.

Just over a week ago, public parks in France were bustling with people eager for sunshine. Pubs in the UK were clamouring with rowdy patrons. Meanwhile, in Australia one could have been mistaken for assuming that it was just another Summer’s day on iconic Bondi Beach. Pictured below are countless beach goers frolicking in the salt and sand on Friday despite repeated government warnings and the enactment of strict social distancing measures in the country.

Just another day on the beach. Crowds on Bondi Beach Friday 20th of March — Photo via: 7news

What is driving people to ignore government directions and risk public health catastrophe? Ignorance of the true nature of the coronavirus crisis? Faulty information? Distrust or scepticism towards authority? The emphasis our societies place on the fulfillment of…



Alex Trauth-Goik

Here to share some words | Samurai who smells of sunflowers | PhD | China and tings