Lovebirds and Lullabies: The Unexpected Link Between February and November

Afam Agu
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2024

November’s Baby Boom Explained

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Every November, my extended family faces a delightful, wallet-crushing dilemma.

November, you see, houses an embarrassing abundance of birthdays. Five on my wife’s side alone!

While we’d love to shower each precious soul with a bespoke extravaganza, reality dictates a shared cake and heartfelt cheers of gratitude.

Last year, inspiration struck me like a miniature arrow. Most November babies, subtract nine months… They’re Valentine’s Day specials!

Turns out, Grandpa and Grandma took St. Valentine quite literally. Bless their Catholic hearts.

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Fast forward a quick internet rabbit hole, and voilà! Science confirms that November +7-ish equals peak ‘Valentine’s Day conception territory.’

Not quite the top ten, but still respectable at #120.

But wait, there’s more!

September, the birthday king, crowns September 9th as the world’s favorite arrival date.


Nine months after December 17th, Santa’s magic extends beyond chimney slides. Good parents, it seems, get the ultimate Valentine’s gift.

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So, this February 14th, forget chocolates and roses.

Picture it’s Black Friday, happy couples are on display, and shopping malls are overrun by miniature cupids armed with pleading eyes and sticky hands.

Retailers, rejoice! Open those doors for business!


Maybe reconsider those sale prices or, perhaps, take a well-deserved “closed for cupid chaos” day.

One thing’s for sure, Grandpa and Grandma aside, Valentine’s Day will never be the same.

A small disclosure before casting further jest at the Gramps; my wife and I also got caught by the spell.

Our second child graced us with her presence the second week of November. Of our 3 kids, she’s the only “wonderful surprise.”

I guess closing for business on February 14th may not stop those pesky little angels.

Just remember, while you clink champagne flutes, somewhere, a tiny Valentine’s gremlin is being prepped for its grand November debut.

Happy (early) birthday, little ones! And Happy Valentine’s Day to all — may your hearts, and wallets, survive the onslaught of love (and its nine-month consequences).

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Afam Agu
Writer for

Writer Penning journeys through Science, Philosophy, Fiction, and Life.