Self Improvement | Lifestyle

Loyalty Pays Nothing in the Workplace

Millennials & Gen Z are done playing Boomer & Gen X games.

⚡️Daniel M.
Published in
7 min readFeb 14, 2024


Via Wikimedia Commons

The American Dream was once alive and thriving. It was instilled in many of us with a simple tried-and-true formula: go to school, get a job, buy a house, and start a family. That concept has become derailed by toxic work cultures and an economy created by boomers —and perpetuated by some senior generation X members — that benefits only their management and leadership teams.

In the post-pandemic world, it has become readily apparent that most white-collared jobs could — and should — be performed remotely. The idea that it was “essential” for any of us to be in the office was always a farce. The truth was unveiled during COVID-19 when worker safety was allegedly paramount — many of us were told by stiff, corporate, overpaid, and underworked boomer and generation X “leadership” that staying home meant us being safe — until profits and convenience got in the way of management. Fast forward four years later (even less than that), and suddenly, it’s as if a pandemic never happened. Out of thin air, the “office culture” and “team morale” began to matter most. If you acclimated to working five days a week remotely — including taking care of your family, having a better work-life balance, and…



⚡️Daniel M.

Finance Manager with views on media, tech, politics, law & order, television, self-improvement, & other random thoughts 🌐