Metaverse: Rise of New Technology and Its Future Opportunities

How Metaverse Is Reshaping the Digital World and Bringing New Opportunities to Businesses?

5 min readDec 29, 2021


In recent times, Metaverse has become a buzzword in the digital world. The latest announcement of Mark Zuckerberg in September 2021, laying out his vision on his next ever biggest project of bringing Metaverse as the successor to the digital world has led many tech-stack companies to enter into a new digital phase.

Can we call it the future of the internet?

Or are you still predicting Metaverse, an advanced version of VR (Virtual Reality) technology?

Before you remain in a dilemma and keep predicting it, let’s understand what exactly the metaverse is and how it will impact the future.

What Exactly is Metaverse: Understanding the Buzzword In Tech World

Metaverse is nothing but a unique set of interconnected digital spaces that enables you to enter the digital world with the help of headsets and lets you do things that you can’t do in the physical world. To get started with this technology, you need to create an avatar that closely resembles your personality and you are all set to do anything, no matter where in the world you happen to be.

The metaverse has potentially altered several sectors and is even in the process of transmitting it by introducing Virtual Reality based wearables that will directly take users to an alternative virtual world from the confines of their homes.

In a nutshell, metaverse has opened the possibility to create a new world, a new economy and new opportunities to connect, interact and transact with others.

The Future of the Metaverse and Its Possibilities In Business Verticals

Surely, as VR technology has totally revolutionized the gaming experience in the same way the sci-fi theory of metaverse also raises the excitement level of the users. So what does your future look like if metaverse becomes a new norm of the internet..?

The Future Possibilities of Metaverse in New Digital World

  • The New Era of Education

Beyond the expectation, the metaverse stands to deeply revolutionize and improve the way we learn and understand things. While it takes time, effort, and talent to build these experiences, the glimpse of this technology is already being witnessed in educational content, healthcare training, and automotive industries.

However, to make it a reality of tomorrow, it is expected to spend over $150 million in revenue to train a new generation of developers that help create incredible AR and VR-based education content.

That’s not all. It is also predicted to look forward to collaborative learning experiences to bring this idea to life!

  • Virtual Event Management Platforms

Dreaming of attending your favourite celebrity show live but afraid of being at a crowded stadium? Meta-verse has a solution for it!

By using AI compatibility and a suite of machine perception, a virtual platform has been created where anchors and celebrities can directly interact with their virtual audience with the help of headsets. Since transmitting this idea into the new reality is a complex task; therefore, it has been planned to introduce an SDK. It will make the entire process easier for developers to add high quality solutions that ensure a library for common gestures, voice SDK and more.

  • Digital Workrooms

From workplaces to entertainment, meta-verse will encompass everything in future. With a new suite of features designed for businesses and using headsets, upcoming companies will allow collaboration with coworkers and access productive apps only by using logins.

Since introducing the meta-verse in the business world is quite challenging and complicated to understand, it is predicted to partially start with a beta this year and the possibility of ultimately launching it to all businesses in 2023.

  • Meta-verse is an Evolution in E-commerce

With the proposed vision that Meta-verse will bring a paradigm shift in how humans interact and how it helps in eliminating the boundary between digital content and physical objects, it is sure that the e-commerce industry will be completely evolved in the foreseen future.

The e-commerce industry is already influenced by AR/VR technologies and has successfully adapted it to some extent, but Meta-verse will definitely bring a boom to this industry by allowing people to try and shop virtually.

There are a number of e-commerce apps that provide the flexibility to try before you make any purchase and most early adopters are the eye-wear brands that enable you to try eye frames virtually.

Now you must be wondering what else Meta-verse can add to it?

Let’s understand with an example!

Let’s say you are going out with a friend to have a coffee and she mentions to you a pair of dresses that she likes and suggests you might like them too. In an instant, that dress flashes up into your peripheral vision. Since that digital image keeps changing, though, she can suggest your AI assistant fine-tune your selection and suggest you most sorted options along with some detailing. Your AI assistant will keep coping with it and open up your customizer to show you what exactly your friend is assuming to buy for you.

And all this shopping experience can be mutual if you provide access to your friend as well. Together you can swap out the details, choose colours, designs and more. Once you make a purchase, you can say goodbye to her with a simple tap on your smart glass and leave the park.

This is Meta-verse and its impacts on the e-commerce industry!

If you’re wondering how meta-verse will help you transform your business opportunities and enable you to deliver a better user experience in future, then you need to get in touch with technology experts.


With the end of this blog, it is fair enough to say that meta-verse is boldly paving its way in the digital world. By using AR and VR possibilities, the meta-verse will reshape tomorrow’s internet. However, the entire experience of accessing a metaverse-driven digital world depends upon headsets’ quality. Hopefully, in the wake of the meta-verse, businesses in all verticals will discover better opportunities in future and be able to establish a lasting impression on the modern age users.



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#Business Analyst — 8+ years of experience in the IT field and expertise in the software dev domain, expert in counselling enterprises