Food Innovation

More Milk Thanks to Music? That’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Things you didn’t know about the use of sound in the food industry

Pavle Marinkovic
Published in
7 min readMay 13, 2021


Photo from Gratisography

Music and food supply.

Do these two even go together?

I certainly don’t get to see it in the news, but that could easily change.

We all enjoy listening to or playing music, but what if we used it beyond the pleasure it gives us?

Think of it as a tool.

One that is non invasive, low cost, easy to implement, and free of secondary effects.

If we’re used to consuming food pumped with god knows how many additives, flavorings, and other chemicals, why not try something less risky to our health for a change?

Some have taken the first step and tried using different music genres with their livestock with some promising results. All the songs used in these experiments are at the end of this article if you’d like to try them out (or suggest it to someone you know).

So let’s look at the evidence!

Benefits of a sound-rich environment for dairy cows



Pavle Marinkovic

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