Muslims vs Jews? No, It’s Landlords vs Zionists!

Nada Shawky
Published in
6 min readJan 8, 2024

A Historic Journey of the Past Thousand Years

The story of the Jewish people is steeped in a millennium of often painful history. From the expulsion from France in 1080 to the horrific genocide in Germany in 1933, Jewish communities have faced relentless persecution across Europe. However, this narrative of suffering and displacement finds a contrasting chapter in the Islamic world, where Jews found refuge and respect for centuries.

A History of Tolerance

The Roman Empire's Christian rulers forced Jews to convert, diminishing their numbers between the 4th and 7th centuries AD. Yet, under Arab-Islamic rule, Jews thrived as 'People of the Book', integral to the economic, political, and cultural fabric of societies. This era, often referred to as the golden age of Jewish history, starkly contrasts the narrative that Jewish and Muslim communities are inherently at odds. It was a period of peaceful coexistence and mutual respect, absent in much of their European experience.

The Balkans: A Testament to Brotherhood

The German occupation of the Balkans in 1943 saw Albanian Muslims refuse to betray their Jewish neighbors, choosing instead to protect them. This act of solidarity and courage exemplifies the true nature of the relationship between Muslims and Jews throughout history. It's a bond forged in empathy, not enmity.

Land Dispossession and the Rise of Zionism

Problems arose only with the onset of European colonialism and the rise of political Zionism aiming to transform Palestine into a Jewish nation-state. In the late 1800s, Zionist leaders like Theodore Herzl promoted the concept of a Jewish state through mass Jewish immigration to Ottoman-ruled Palestine. This clashed directly with the interests of the indigenous Palestinian Arab population, who formed the vast majority.

Through the British Balfour Declaration of 1917 and ongoing illegal Jewish settlement projects on Palestinian land, tensions escalated. Finally, on May 14, 1948, Israel unilaterally declared independence over 78% of mandate Palestine with the ethnic cleansing of over 750,000 Palestinians, razing over 500 Palestinian towns in what they called their "war of independence." International law explicitly protected the property rights and self-determination of the native population, yet these were entirely denied.

Do you want to understand how the purge of so many Palestinians occurred? Watch this video featuring former Israeli soldiers who carried it out themselves!

The Divisive Tactics of Occupation

Israel's policies have effectively isolated Palestinians from each other, segmenting the land into disconnected areas - Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the 1948 territories. This division is more than just physical; it's a strategic fragmentation of identity and community, a deliberate obstacle to Palestinian self-determination and unity.

Debunking the Zionist Narrative

# Distinguishing Jews from Zionists

Zionism, often conflated with Judaism, promotes the narrative that all Jews are Zionists and that Palestine is their rightful homeland. This claim overlooks the vast difference between Judaism as a religion and Zionism as a political movement.

Reputable Jewish anti-Zionist groups, such as Jewish Voice for Peace and Neturei Karta, among many others, oppose the Zionist occupation of Palestine. They do not recognize Israel as the national home of the Jews. Instead, they regard the entire land of Palestine, from the sea to the river, as belonging solely to the Palestinian people and as their rightful property.

This struggle is about justice for a people displaced, their homes destroyed, and their existence threatened.

Related Video: Golda Meir's acknowledgment of her Palestinian identity reveals the fallacy of the Zionist narrative.

Palestinian Resistance: A Defense of Existence

Portraying the Palestinian resistance as terrorist completely ignores that they are the rightful owners of the land and have every right to defend it at any time in order to liberate it from occupation. This accusation also ignores the real state-sponsored terrorism perpetrated by Israel and its military, which has become notorious for wanton killing of Palestinian civilians, including children.

Despite the horrific genocide against civilians, including women and children in Gaza, carried out by Israeli forces for three months, the Palestinian resistance has demonstrated significant restraint and humanity, even towards prisoners. The treatment of Israeli prisoners by the Palestinian resistance, described as humane and moral by the prisoners themselves, sharply contradicts the false narrative often portrayed in the official media of America and Europe.

This irrefutable evidence proves that official propaganda portraying Palestinian resisters as terrorists has only served to distort the reality and stigmatize legitimate acts of self-defense, while whitewashing the actual terrorism committed routinely by Israel against an occupied people. Defending one's land and people from colonization cannot reasonably be labeled terrorism.

The Zionist Mentality

If you want to understand the mindset of Zionists and why they commit acts similar to those their ancestors once faced, it is sufficient to read and watch their own statements.

Now is the Time for Action

The international community, especially influential nations like the United States, must STOP their support for Israel’s actions. Urgent action is needed to halt the $14 billion in weapons flowing to Israel and demand a ceasefire in Gaza.

The first step would be the withdrawal of American support for Israel’s crimes. Tell the people you vote for to do this now.

  • Keep US $ in America.
  • No More Money to Israel...
  • Fund America Health ... Not Israeli War Crimes.
  • End Illegal Israeli Occupation.
  • Fund American Homes Not Israeli War Crimes.
  • Oh, don't be naive... Israel uses the us for money.
  • Cut the blank check!
  • Let's be clear: Zionism is your problem too.
  • 3.8 billion of your Tax Dollars fund Israeli War Crimes.
  • Fund American Education Not Israeli Occupation.
  • $10 Million a day to Israel while Americans Live Paycheck to paycheck?!
  • $23,000 for Florida teachers or 3.8 billion of our taxes to Israel?!
  • 25,000 children in Gaza became orphans due to Israeli War Crimes.

#Let Gaza Life, Ceasefire Now!

The call to action is clear:

Demand a Ceasefire in Gaza:

- Congress: 202–225–3121
- Senate: 202–224–3121
- White House: 202–456–1111

Call these numbers, demand a ceasefire, question the arms support to Israel, and advocate for an end to the occupation. This conflict is not about religion; it's about human rights, land, and justice. We must recognize the shared humanity in each other and stand against oppression. The time for change is now.

Learn more or get involved:



Nada Shawky

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