Mysterious Flash In The Sky: The Tunguska Event

How mysterious events have led to astonishing developments in modern physics.

Observing The Anomaly
Published in
7 min readApr 20, 2023


Trees blown down and charred by the explosion

A mysterious flash over Kyiv has recently been reported and people are wild with anticipation over the explanation. NASA has confirmed it was not one of their satellites and people speculate a meteor re-entering the atmosphere. Of course, this is a war zone so there will be speculation the flash could be related to those operations. Reports of potential Russian “super weapons” (no matter how hard to believe) being in development don’t help with speculations. But one good thing that comes of mysterious events like this is that the speculation eventually can give rise to good science and it can even lead to pushing science forward as we attempt to explain the event. Case in point is the Tunguska event.

Tunguska Event

Tunguska was a remote area located within what is modern day Russia and on June 30th, 1908 a 12 megaton explosion occurred that flattened 80 million trees over 830 square miles. An estimated 1,000 scholarly papers have been published about the event. The first scientific expedition didn’t take place until 1927 because of the remoteness of the area and political upheaval within Russia. There is an entire…



Observing The Anomaly

Focused on all-domain anomaly resolution. That includes UAP’s, but is also open to any anomalous data.