N ray-The Most Elaborate Con Job Of Scientific World

Blondlot claimed that he discovered the N ray and was close to receiving Nobel prize for his discovery.

Karthick Nambi


N ray paper.Source.Archive.org

The invention of a new type of ray caused massive excitement in the scientific community. The discovery was the pride of France. Its inventor Rene Blondlot was even nominated for a Nobel prize for his invention. A US scientist discovered Blondlot’s con job. Blondlot died due to depression, and his invention N ray is still the most elaborate scam in the scientific world.

The Race for New Ray:

Rene Blondlot.Source-Wikipedia

Wilhelm Rontgen invented the presence of X-ray in 1895. X-ray had multiple purposes, but the hazards of X-ray were not known to humankind at the initial stage of X-ray invention. Radium and other radioactive components made their way to day to day objects like toothpaste, drinking water, chocolate, etc. After a few years, the harmful effects of radioactivity caught up the users. The excitement of X-ray let too many scientists to explore the region of the spectrum for new rays. In 1903 Rene Blondlot declared he had found a new ray and named it as N ray after the town…



Karthick Nambi

A human with interest in history and technology