NASA is going back to the moon! — Pixabay

NASA & SpaceX Are Building A Moonbase

But it is nothing like you’d imagine it to be.


Nasa is going back to the Moon! But this time, things will be a little different, not just because they are building a lunar base, but also because they are commissioning private companies like SpaceX to build and supply it. The base itself is also an utterly ground breaking piece of space infrastructure that will develop tech that could, one day, open up lunar industries, Martian missions and even crewed missions to other celestial bodies. Welcome to the Artemis program, NASA’s bid to win our new-era space race.

NASA Artemis logo — NASA

So, what is Artemis? It consists of four main parts, the Orion spacecraft, Gateway lunar space station, Lunar Landers and Orion generation space suits. That’s right, this Moonbase is a space station orbiting the Moon with landers to take the astronauts to the surface and back. This revolutionary design will enable astronauts to explore orders of magnitude more than the Apollo missions ever did.

How? Well, NASA has learnt a thing or two from Elon’s marvellous rockets and they’ve taken the idea of reusable space infrastructure to the next level. Let me show you how by taking you…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at