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New AMD GPUs Lineup Announced: Significant Improvement Verified

Learn more about the recent graphics cards announcement.

Gaming Technology Series
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2022


Today, we will learn more about the latest announced AMD graphics cards (GPUs) lineup. But if you are more interested in acquiring knowledge about Intel graphics cards (GPUs), you can learn from here.

The demand for high-quality gaming graphics cards has skyrocketed with the unveiling of the new graphics cards (GPUs)from both Nvidia and Intel. People want to be able to purchase graphics cards at the price at which they were originally sold without having to be concerned about the graphics cards’ MSRP.

AMD GPUs Lineup Announcement:

Yesterday AMD announced new graphics cards (GPUs), this event might be very significant for the graphics cards market. It’s possible that it will make currently available high-performance graphics cards cheaper. In addition to this, we have seen that the costs of graphics cards have begun to decrease slightly.



Gaming Technology Series

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