New Insane Neurotechnology Projects and Everything in Michio Kaku’s ‘Future of the Mind’ book

Perhaps we are heading in the wrong direction or in no direction at all.

Daniel Aboagye
4 min readOct 10, 2023


Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Human brain is the most powerful and complex of all organs in the body. The brain cells have often times been likened to the universe, as a vast volume with so many interconnections and energy flows.

The two greatest mysteries in all of nature are the mind and the universe — Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist

Unlocking the mysteries of the design and engineering of the human brain could be key to understanding the intricacies and complexities of life. There is no doubt the rush among scientist to deconstruct and reconstruct the human brain system at all levels and scales.

There is no scientific study more vital to man than the study of his own brain. Our entire view of the universe depends on it — Francis Crick, biologist who discovered of the helical structure of the DNA molecule

Future of the Mind — Michio Kaku

Michio Kaku’s ‘Future of the mind’ is one of the books that opened my eyes to certain human endeavours which sought to elevate the human mind. Written in a such a way that you may never want to put it down once you start reading it. Actually everything discussed in the book begin to make more sense as time passes by and certain events in our world unfolds.

Michio addressed the evolutionary phases of the human brain and the hard questions of human consciousness in an excellent way with his so called space-time theory concept, borrowing ideas and principles from his field of specialization — theoretical physics.

The book ‘Future of the mind’ was more of a narrative about where neurotechnology may be taking the world to in the future. Michio interacted and engaged with prominent scientist, all leaders in their field, who were trying to answer crazy questions, and told their stories, dreams, motivations and expectations in the most compelling way ever. One of the captivating revelation was the possibilities of boosting intelligence of anybody at anytime drawing inspiration from the brain structure and conditions of super genius like people who had savant syndrome. Other hot topics such as the development of self aware robots, building a brain from scratch, telepathy and telekinesis were also cleverly discussed.

New Insane Developments in Neurotechnology

There are many insane brain science and technology experiments underway. From my personal experience, some top smart device brands in Japan are seriously experimenting sophisticated systems to record brain signals in a contactless manner. Elon’s Neuralink project is another, as it recently shook up social media for announcing to use human’s for brain implants clinical trials. Although faced with many uncertainties, this project could actually become an important milestone in the development of human brain- computer interface technology.

A recent documentary aired by German multilingual TV news network, Deutsche Welle, titled — AI and the quest for immortality — are we defeating death? also shed light on some other ‘dark’ projects in neurotechnology. The quest to reimagine life after death through A.I — Artificial Immortality, is now becoming popular among neuroscience researchers and engineers. Different approaches such recording memories, studying and building brain neural network as well as injecting actual brain cell samples into micro array chip for robots to acquire a certain level of conscious state are all being being aggressively explored.

The Fall of Babel Towel

It has always been part of human nature to test God (his creator) or to seek out for what is meant to remain unknown. In fact, there is a biblical account of how humanity’s quest for the mysteries in the heavens went awry. Perhaps we are heading in the wrong direction or in no direction at all.

Which Way to Go?

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

Should we wait before it all goes wrong just like how it happened in the past?

All of these and many projects, as I see it are just to satisfy contentious intellectual curiosity of some individuals or groups. We need a new focus, a re-direction of science, towards addressing the most critical issues of the society for the benefit of all humanity.

Further readings



Daniel Aboagye
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