NFT Hottest Trends in Crypto Winter: How to Find the Next NFT Trend and Get into NFT Industry as an Entrepreneur?

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5 min readSep 22, 2022

NFTs are the current heroes in digital space! They have set high standards for their value, owing to their rarity and uniqueness. They are influential in different domains, such as arts, music, gaming, banking, etc. Getting creative is the driving force in NFT marketplace development. While there is no need for a separate introduction to the star itself, it is important to get the correct update of the NFTs. This blog will walk you through the NFT trends and the know-how of understanding the scopes as a cryptopreneur.

How are trendy NFTs made?- A beginner guide

  • The NFTs are constantly sold on the crypto exchange platforms
  • Top corporate companies explore the NFT Bandwagon
  • NFTs are on Venture Capitalists list often
  • Launches of better alternatives for existing chain
  • Increase in Governments regulations
  • NFTs as PFP

Where to go for a trendy NFT? — Know your market

Bored Ape Yacht Club

Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) is the top NFT collection holder, for them being the first to create trends in the industry with their eccentric virtual assets. With their increasing popularity, people began to develop projects with apes as their models, and ever since, the market has had many projects following them.

Mutant Ape Yacht Club

Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) launched after the Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs; the apes with BAYC mutated and started creating original NFTs. This Mutant Shiba Club, when established on Twitter, got enormous popularity, gathering up to 247.3 k followers. MAYC has a minting price lesser than the floor price; the launch in a bear market is still seated on a throne.

Get into creating blue chip NFT projects using NFT development services.

Metaverse land

NFT World has gone from ranging a 3.6 ETH to a whopping 18.5 ETH in just three weeks and has had the market achieve many NFT land projects for a lucrative income.


When coming to the 2022 NFT trend, the latest one was the Azuki. They soared up due to the best available team in the market within the platform, and the capacity to go beyond themselves proved its worth. This eventually helped Dezuki bloom due to the trend of Azuki.

HAPE- 3D super detailed art

The first ever 3D super detailed art to venture into the market is the HAPE art NFT project. Following suit, Crypto Bull was the first to mint the NFT, and the frenzy for 3D arts came. Some of the minters popular for 3D super detailed arts are Prime Ape Planet, Shiba Social Club, HAPE, and CBS.

Domains of trending NFTs in 2022

Hardcore research is needed on NFTs before jumping on board with them. They are extremely lucrative, and the behind stories for these popular NFTs are crucial elements that need attention.

  1. Analyze the properties of the NFT marketplace development for its authenticity and rarity.
  2. Know about the entire NFT-related information, like the detail about the artist and the location of their community.
  3. Make a note of the prices of the NFTs.
  4. Understand the volume of NFTs in the marketplace.
  5. Categorize the NFTs for easy determination of investment.

When you launch an NFT marketplace, the multi-faceted ecosystem has disrupted many domains where they are garnering massive user attention. Thanks to these industries, the fortune raking in are set to see the changing trends in coming years for its flexibility.

  • Music NFT development
  • Gaming NFT development
  • Generative arts NFT development
  • Sports NFT development
  • Fashion NFT development

How do you identify the Top-famed NFT?

Social media is the answer! Get surfing on the social media platforms like Twitter to learn about the hot trending topics. The new commercial opportunity of NFTs and the marketplace is pinned to the top. Apart from this, there are several other ways to find the current trending NFTs.

  • Research the existing projects that have bloomed and those that have not pumped up. Often, the true gem is lost in the lot!
  • Visit the recent video contents available to catch up on the latest trending asset.
  • Get to the bottom of the list and find something that is so unique and not spoken about.
  • Take risks once in a while! NFTs are volatile. They are mostly successful; having done a proper analysis of the NFTs, you will eventually grasp the red flags.
  • Well! If you are not set to take some chance with your investment, diversify your investments into different projects. By doing so, the odds are high of landing a trendy NFT.
  • Use the rule of 3 and avoid being in the risk zone and invest in a professional team.

Evolving Trends in 2022

  • Play2Earn games visibly have a risen floor price. Gaming NFTs might shine this year with their unique art. The feature of earning while having fun is enticing any time!
  • Getting access just like our usual podcast does have a high probability. Let us get investing in NFT instead of paying up every month.
  • The art industry is the pioneer and has the potency to soar up high enough with its emerging pixel 3D avatars, VX kind of NFTs, etc.
  • There are a lot of communities on the platform where you can find heaps of sources for true futuristic NFT trends.
  • Alpha passes for NFT alpha and WL spots.
  • Possibly bring back our nostalgic entertainment content.
  • NFTs with the material things.

Final thoughts

The crypto space has carried the NFTs in its ecosystem for years and is constantly under surveillance for its revolutionary tendencies toward businesses. NFT marketplace development has not bloomed to its full potential. Cryptopreneurs might enter mainstream ventures, unleashing advanced features globally.

If you are an entrepreneur looking for entry into the NFT industry, there are plenty of tracking tools to keep up with the NFT trends like Coin Rivet, OpenSea, NFT Evening, etc. We are witnessing history on its making with NFTs and blockchain technology. It is evident that the crypto sphere is alluring to potential investors ranging from venture capitalists to celebrities launching their NFTs. Expecting this macro-trend to continue, if you want to launch an NFT marketplace, get in touch with white-label development solutions.




I am a fervent writer who is high on curating informative content on crypto, NFTs, and a gamut of applications surmounting blockchain technology.