Cherenkov radiation creates a blue glow in an operational nuclear reactor — WikiCC

Nuclear Denial Is Fatally Dangerous

We are shooting ourselves in the foot.

Will Lockett
Published in
4 min readMay 12, 2024


Here is a question, is nuclear power unsafe? Should we stop using it? There are differing opinions on this across the entire political spectrum. As such, many governments have been hesitant to move forward with nuclear plans. Germany even went as far as to completely phase them out. But sadly, the statistics are crystal clear. Nuclear power is not only one of the cleanest, most environmentally safe forms of energy we have but also one of the safest. In fact, it is so safe that new reports are emerging that German governmental figures had to lie about the safety of their nuclear power plants to force their shutdown, and the knock-on effects are literally deadly. Let me explain.

There are calls for an investigation into German vice chancellor and Green party member Robert Habeck after the German press found evidence that a covert network of ecologist technocrats manipulated the nuclear plant safety data with the aid of two Green-ran German ministries rather than consulting actual experts. The reports based on this data were crucial in the controversial decision to either shut down the country’s last remaining nuclear power plants during the 2022 energy crisis rather than reopen recently closed plants and continue using the already operational ones to ease the crisis. This morally questionable…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at