OPEN AI will cause chaos to democracy also crush Medium

Karthick Nambi
Published in
8 min readFeb 27, 2019


Photo by Franck V. on Unsplash

That outlandish social media crusade is the epitome of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” In comic relief, these puns aimed at Mitt Romney mean what they said they meant, and also what many substantive liberals want to say aloud.

It hasn’t stopped reckless anglers using commenters or Twitter accounts to engage Clinton, though none of the primary candidates did so openly. On Monday, the New York Times reported that the Clintons were bought out by Twitter by a gun-grabber from Ukraine who called him “Putin Joe” after his tweets have raised questions about Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.)’ donations to an anti-Semitic billionaire he claims owes money to. Meanwhile, the Obama White House and the Clinton campaign fired off Pentagon-grade faux outrage over the Clinton Russia cover-up. Even when the tweeting exchanges went viral, Obama has wrangled upward of 55% of the dog whistle.

It isn’t unusual for the prime ministers of third-party opposition parties to visit Jewish megachurches. Podesta’s Facebook page features prospective takers. (Thames Regional Lubavitcher Shalom Purush Malka is a traditional Jewish family.) Wednesdays, Hillary Hillary Clinton’s official charitable website offers a marathon of every possible Hillary Clinton gift to her home, much of which came from people with special human and financial needs.



Karthick Nambi

A human with interest in history and technology