Origin of Life and the Universe

From the Big Bang to the present day (a short intro)

Muhammad Raza Khan


Creation, a painting by Jerry LoFaro

Some 14 billion years ago, there was nothing and then came into existence our Universe. There was an extremely hot and very dense point, smaller than a proton. Cosmologist Stephen Hawking named it, “The Big Bang Singularity”. It was very small but everything you can see in the universe came from that point. Matter and energy, space and time, everything was produced by that point.

But where does that singularity come from?

We don’t know. So, how can we say that there was a singularity?

Well, the short answer is that the same model which has been verified by different kinds of observational and experimental data suggests that there was a big bang singularity. For no known reason, the singularity exploded and today we have a universe. Let me tell you to not imagine that explosion as we think of it in our daily life. Think of it as an infinitesimally small balloon expanding.

It started expanding rapidly and after one second, it has grown to one hundred billion kilometers. The energy released from the big bang singularity created matter particles. At this moment, the first hydrogen atom was formed.

As time passed, atoms of hydrogen started clumping together due to gravity. After…



Muhammad Raza Khan

Astronomy enthusiast, programmer, and tech-nerd. To support my writings become a medium member https://muhammadrazaa.medium.com/membership