Our Tech Stack at Hello Gloss

A soon-to-launch personal style social platform

Peter Avritch
2 min readOct 23, 2018


Article updated October 2022

Hello Gloss is a soon-to-launch personal style social platform. We like to think of ourselves as an omniverse of style, inspiration and radical self expression. Once we get going, we intend to be known for being the place where everyone can show off their personal style to the world and find inspiration all around them.

Much like the incumbent social platforms you’re surely familiar with, we’ll have a mobile app, website, and cloud back end with all the trappings. No doubt, it’s a huge project. Moreover, we’re architecting it from the start for planetary scale. Yes, we’re thinking that big, because we want to have built-in optionality to scale up quickly with minimal risk and disruption when the need arises.

One of the main reasons for writing this article is to let developers and partners who might consider working with us see the tools and technologies we’re using under the hood. As developers, we all have our favorite tools, languages and platforms, and we frequently choose who we work with based on what stack is being used — so here it is.


Back end: Microsoft Azure with all the usual services, C#, .Net 7, ASP.Net, HotChocolate GraphQL, Microsoft Orleans, Kubernetes, gRPC, SQL, Cosmos DB

Mobile app: ReactNative, Expo, javascript

Website: Next.js, React, tailwind, javascript

Prototyping: Figma

More to Come

This article will be updated shortly to include more details on each of the core modules noted above.



Peter Avritch
Writer for

Co-Founder and CTO at Hello Gloss. Hooked on startups, cycling, cloud stacks, deep learning and building stuff. Started with Lego.