Particle Physics: A New Fundamental State of Matter — Union of Electrical Chemical Impulses of Neurons

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6 min readNov 28, 2023
A Model of the Human Brain. Credit: NIMH

It is theorized that a new, fundamental state of matter is the union of [a set] of electrical and chemical impulses of neurons.

There are clusters of neurons across centers in the brain, responsible for functions. These clusters are proposed to have several sets — or loops — of impulses, possessing configurations — or formations — for functions.

It is established in brain science that an electrical impulse depolarizes at the presynaptic terminal, opening ion channels to release calcium ions, that then triggers the release of neurotransmitters, from vesicles to the cleft.

However, in a set, electrical and chemical impulses act like they are fusing, more than just setting off the other.

Since various synapses are involved in a set, some chemical impulses seem opened, prepared or ready to yield to the swerve with which electrical impulses strike to fuse or pair off.

That instance of fire into fluid, for multivalent functions of existence, is here proposed to be a new, natural state of matter.

Why would that be?

The human mind is postulated to be the collection of all the electrical and chemical impulses of neurons, with their features and interactions.

All the functions of the brain are operationalized by electrical and chemical impulses, notwithstanding the involvement of other factors including genes.

Electrical and chemical impulses are the direct architects of labels like memory, feelings, emotions, thoughts, perceptions, sensations, regulations, reactions and so forth.

The difference between an emotion and a feeling, or a color and a smell, or a taste and another is hypothesized to be configurations — or formations — of sets of impulses.

These formations hold rations. This means that a configuration could be M1234, with 1, 2, 3, 4 being different chemical impulses, at different concentrations, becoming how a function is specified. M could be a bundler of the electrical impulses that struck them to measure.

Electrical impulses set off rations at respective synapses, then the formation [obtained by the rations] gets distributed by electrical impulses again, bundled, to other sets of impulses, in an array. Where distributions go can be said to be excited, and where they don’t can be said to be inhibited.

Impulses are carriers for functions. They do so not just as ions or molecules of existing states of matter, but as a collective, in sets, infusing to configure what is internally determinative and externally applicable to relate with the world.

Another case for the union, as a state, is when electrical impulses do not extend beyond a formation of chemical impulses in a set. When it is said that a postsynaptic neuron is inhibited, it may also apply to sets, where electrical impulses fuse completely, relaying no further.

Brain science has established that electrical impulses leap from node to node, in myelinated axons in what is called saltatory conduction.

It is proposed here that in a set, some electrical impulses split, going ahead of others, to strike chemical impulses, before others follow.

If the formation obtained matches, processes continue, if not, the incoming electrical impulses relay to the correct formation, within that set of impulses, or to others in the array. This explains what is observed as predictive coding, processing and prediction error.

Simply, electrical impulses are always splitting, with some going ahead of others, in part to allow for instances of prioritization [or attention], since just one set of impulses is prioritized on the mind at any instance. Splitting also allows for lightness, for numerous pre-prioritized processes.

When something unexpected happens and the mind is racing fast, electrical impulses are splitting, getting distributed across possible sets, in less than a second. When the situation becomes clear, the incoming electrical impulse from the bundle goes in another direction, if none of it matches where they previously went.

Since many experiences are not new, electrical impulses often act like they are fusing with chemical impulses into an available configuration for interpretation, before they go on, rather than simply triggering, like the interaction is new. That fused instance is the proposed state of matter.

This is beyond the fusion of hydrogen atoms to helium to generate energy in the sun. Though the heat and light are different from the atoms, they are less diverse than what the fusion of electrical and chemical impulses of neurons do, for interoception and exteroception.

The features of electrical and chemical impulses in a set include pre-/prioritization, old/new sequences, distribution/shares, early-splits/go-before, formation/configuration, arrays and a principal spot.

Impulses, electrical to chemical to electrical, in presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons, in how they collectively shape functions, are a form of matter that exceeds current states in the way they can set functions — either to regulate blood pressure, smell something and so forth.

Electrical synapses, with their abundance in the developing brain and for some functions like respiratory frequency, are also in sets, but not considering them as a new state of matter is for their near similarity, pre- and post-synaptic interactions.

This union of electrical and chemical impulses can be used to explain conditions of mental illnesses. It can also explain the subjective experiences of consciousness relating through particle physics in how the brain organizes information.

Why are Impulses in Sets?

Brain science establishes that each neuron connects to around 6000 to 10000 of others.

Some neurons in some clusters have connections from others elsewhere. This means that in a center, fibers from other parts may join the connection of some neurons, to provide specific chemical impulses. For example, dopamine neurons send fibers to different circuits.

It is proposed here that when electrical impulses arrive in a cluster of neurons, they go through different neurons, to interact with chemical impulses at respective synapses.

The chemical synapses interacted with may depend on the split of the electrical impulse in respective neurons, grouped by concurrency and axon diameter before going ahead to interact with chemical impulses.

Also, because of the abundance of synapses, some of them tend to have similar twists or turns, in their connections. These synapses are theorized to collect into sets.

Connection excessiveness as well means that many of them participate in the set when their axons bear electrical impulses — even if they are not passing chemical messages.

Simply, so long electrical impulses are passing through a neuron and triggering chemical impulses, some of the synapses to other neurons not involved join some of the sets as spaces between active synapses.

These spaces are theorized to be involved in how the sense of self or subjective experience, prioritization or attention, and free will or intent are powered.

Sets of impulses can also be used to explain co-transmission, where some neurons release more than one neurotransmitter. It can also be used to explain the observation of wireless communication between neurons using neuropeptide in some organisms, as well as how astrocytes, in some circuits, communicate with some neurons using glutamate.

Two Analogies

Configurations could be via synapses or chemical impulses. But all configurations are proposed to work in sets.

Configurations are like electric sockets — with ports, where the pins of the plugs fit.

The pins can be described as chemical impulses, while the cable, as the axons for electrical impulses.

But rather than current running backwards into the plug from the socket, in this scenario, it is running from the plug into the socket.

This means that the current from the cable runs into the pins, when fit into the socket ports.

In this case too, some of the pins are not equal in length and some of the ports [of the sockets] are subject to change [or neuroplasticity].

However, there has to be a fit from the into that configuration for a function to be defined.

When the function is in use, then the ports stay in shape, but when they are not in use, they close, losing the function.

There is also the purse analogy, where bills can fit into the formation of a purse, folded or stretched.

The bills are the electrical impulses, while the purse is the chemical impulse or synapses.

The bills fit in at a point, and gets removed at another location, for distribution. But distributed after it is shaped by the wallet.

Basically, the bills have to fit into the configuration, in whatever compartment of they are placed, shaping them.




action potentials—neurotransmitters theory of consciousness