People Power the Push: 3 Ways to Keep Your Team on Top During Digital Transformation

Putting the People First: Strategies for a Smooth Transformation

Nadeem Mustafa
5 min readApr 22, 2024


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Digital Transformation: A People-Powered Journey

Digital transformation isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a comprehensive shift in how organizations operate. It involves leveraging digital technologies across all facets of the business, from automating routine tasks with intelligent software to revamping customer experiences through intuitive mobile apps. The goal? To unlock a wave of efficiency, innovation, and growth.

Unlocking Potential Through Technology:

The benefits of successful digital transformation are undeniable. Organizations can expect to see:

  • Increased Efficiency and Productivity: Repetitive tasks become automated, data analysis becomes instantaneous, and collaboration across teams becomes seamless. This translates to a more productive workforce with newfound capacity to focus on higher-value activities.
  • Enhanced Innovation: Digital transformation fosters a culture that embraces experimentation and exploration. New technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning can unlock a wealth of creative solutions to longstanding problems.
  • Improved Customer Experience: In today’s digital age, customers expect personalized and responsive interactions. Digital tools empower organizations to deliver exactly that — from tailored product recommendations to frictionless online transactions.
  • Greater Business Agility: Gone are the days of clunky, inflexible operations. Digital transformation allows organizations to adapt rapidly to changing market trends and customer needs, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve.

The Pitfall of Neglecting the Human Element: When Tech Becomes a Turn-Off

Digital transformation can be a powerful tool for growth and innovation. But just like a sports car with a flat tire, neglecting the human element can leave your transformation efforts sputtering to a halt. Here’s why focusing solely on technology during digital transformation is a recipe for disaster:

1. Resistance to Change: People Don’t Like Feeling Like Cogs in a Machine

Humans are creatures of habit. Springing new technology and processes on employees without proper explanation or training breeds fear and uncertainty. This resistance can manifest in a multitude of ways:

  • Low Morale: Feeling overwhelmed and unsupported, employees may become disengaged and demotivated, leading to a drop in morale and overall productivity.
  • Passive Resistance: Faced with change they don’t understand, employees might subtly undermine the new initiatives by clinging to old ways of doing things.
  • Open Defiance: In extreme cases, a lack of buy-in can lead to active resistance, such as vocal opposition or even sabotage of new systems.

2. Skill Gaps: When Tech Outpaces Training

Digital transformation often involves introducing new tools and workflows. Without proper training and upskilling initiatives, employees might find themselves lost in the digital maze.

  • Decreased Productivity: Feeling overwhelmed by unfamiliar technology, employees may struggle to complete tasks efficiently, leading to a dip in overall output.
  • Increased Errors: Learning a new system takes time and practice. Without adequate training, employees are more prone to errors, potentially impacting data accuracy and quality of work.
  • Frustration and Burnout: Constantly feeling out of their depth can lead to frustration and burnout among employees, ultimately harming both employee well-being and overall team performance.

3. The Innovation Vacuum: Squelching the Employee Spark

Digital transformation shouldn’t be a top-down decree. Employees who are closest to the day-to-day operations often have valuable insights into inefficiencies and potential improvements. Neglecting their contributions can stifle crucial innovation:

  • Missed Opportunities: By failing to engage employees in the process, organizations might miss out on valuable ideas for improvement and creative solutions to problems.
  • Disengaged Workforce: Employees who feel their expertise isn’t valued are less likely to go the extra mile or offer creative suggestions.
  • A Slower Pace of Progress: Without the collective brainpower of your workforce, the process of adapting and innovating within the new digital landscape can become sluggish and less effective.

3 Strategies for Keeping People at the Center: Putting the Human Touch in Digital Transformation

We’ve established the pitfalls of neglecting the human element during digital transformation. Now, let’s delve into actionable strategies that ensure your people feel valued, supported, and empowered throughout the journey:

1. Prioritizing Change Management: Guiding Your Team Through the Digital Maze

Change management isn’t an afterthought; it’s the foundation for a smooth transition. Here’s how to make it work:

  • Clear Communication: Transparency breeds trust. Communicate the “why” and “how” of digital changes well in advance. Hold regular town halls, Q&A sessions, and use internal communication channels to keep everyone informed.
  • Embrace a Phased Approach: Don’t overwhelm your team with a technology avalanche. Roll out new systems and processes gradually, ensuring proper training and support are in place before moving on to the next phase.
  • Invest in Change Champions: Identify and empower employees who are enthusiastic about the transformation. They can act as internal advocates, answer questions, and provide peer-to-peer support for colleagues.

A manufacturing company is implementing a new inventory management system. They conduct pre-launch training sessions, create user guides and FAQs, and appoint floor supervisors as change champions to assist colleagues with the new software.

2. Empowering People with the Right Tools (Not Just the Shiny Gadgets):

Technology is a powerful tool, but it should simplify, not complicate. Here’s how to choose the right tools for your people:

  • Focus on User-Friendliness: Intricate interfaces and confusing functionalities will only lead to frustration. Opt for intuitive tools that are easy to learn and navigate.
  • Align Tools with Needs: Don’t force a square peg into a round hole. Carefully consider your team’s existing skillsets and workflows when selecting new tools.
  • Invest in Training and Support: Even user-friendly tools require some training. Offer comprehensive training programs and readily available support resources to ensure employees feel comfortable using the new technologies.

A marketing team is switching to a new social media management platform. The new platform boasts a simple interface with video tutorials readily available. The company provides online and in-person training sessions to familiarize the team with the platform’s functionalities.

3. Celebrating Wins and Recognizing Achievements (More Than Just Patting on the Back):

Digital transformation is a marathon, not a sprint. Keeping your team motivated requires more than just empty praise. Recognize their efforts throughout the journey:

  • Acknowledge Individual and Team Contributions: Highlight specific examples of how employees are adapting and embracing the new technologies. Public recognition goes a long way in boosting morale.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Reaching milestones signifies progress. Take time to acknowledge key achievements, both big and small, to keep the team motivated and engaged.
  • Link Recognition to Rewards: Consider implementing incentive programs based on successful technology adoption or improved performance. This can further amplify motivation and engagement.

A sales team successfully completes their training on a new customer relationship management (CRM) system. The company leader sends a personalized email acknowledging their achievement and throws a small team lunch to celebrate.

Conclusion: People Power the Digital Future

Digital transformation holds immense potential, but neglecting the human element can derail your journey. Remember, it’s your people — not just the tech — who will drive success.

A people-centric approach unlocks a treasure trove of benefits: smoother implementation, enhanced engagement, sustainable innovation, and long-term growth. By prioritizing clear communication, training, support, and recognition, you empower your team to become the driving force behind your digital transformation.

Technology is the tool, but people are the power. Keep them at the center, and together, you can achieve extraordinary things.



Nadeem Mustafa

Experienced Digital Health Strategist & Technologist passionate about bridging healthcare & technology for a smarter future. #HCIT #GenerativeAI #HealthTech