Personal Computer Museum of Senegal

Why not Africa, why not all countries for decreasing the geographic disaster risk

Diop Papa Makhtar
4 min readMay 14, 2021


Saving and archiving systems, making them always working in hardware, and having copies of such hardware and systems so the systemic way back is possible as it is possible with Wayback.

Microsoft chipped a lot of windows versions apple did the same and the crowd of passionate open source developers chipped so many Linux versions.

And what about all these past beautiful pieces of software that used to equip personal computers. This past version of Borland software that I gave to one of my uncles. This DGJPP version I had when writing my first line of C code trying to understand allegro. Remembered that I used to say bordland instead of Borland and even with the box of CDs in front of me I kept telling bordland in front of this uncle. All these to tell that between me and computers is a personal story ignited by this tech curious father who first provided me the opportunity to use a computer in the 90s. When I have taken the first floppy disk and inserted it into the reader I was not aware of what was inside but I managed to get it running and it was a Batman game there, with just some fancy pixel shaping the character and the objects to destroy. I just started to play by punching each key I thought about until I discover the correct key controllers. Once my father back he was surprised to see me play with the computer and called her assistant to come to see his son.

Rediscovered Windows 95 today from this first dos system I got started in 90s I used 3.1, 95, 2000, XP, and so on. 95 was the clear shift for me because of the start button that replaced this computer icon of 3.1. Liked the green and blue of XP but until this version, I had the opportunity to see OS differently and experienced several versions of desktop and server OS personally and professionally. My first Altavista query Is another story I won’t bother you with because this is about personal computers. About this effort of preserving working past systems and convincing all countries to do the same so we the humanity will have a stronger archive of systems that will make us safer as our lives are being more and more dependant on such systems.

Started maturing this personal computer Museum in my country and I hope and recommend you to do the same and together we will be stronger and it will be easier for us to do it. Will probably put a form link here for those who are interested in this generous effort of preservation of systems which is not about profit. And when it comes to preservation let me remind you that I am still working on this other generous act of preservation and cleaning of computing resources by avoiding 404 requests with this project.

For this museum, I first imagined that It could be architected like how frank Gehry designed the museum of Bilbao there

Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

but searching the picture I learned about Jeff Cohen and thought to chose this design of the museum of Pop culture of Seattle also by frank gehry

museum of Pop culture of Seattle top view
museum of Pop culture of Seattle front view

but this Biomuseo design really inspires me so I choose it.

so the Personal Computer Museum of Senegal will likely be like this

Personal Computer Museum of Senegal will be like this

Why not a University inside also.

