Planets: The Fascinating World Of Eris

Uncover the interesting facts about Eris. Dive deep into this frigid world.

2 min readMay 23, 2023



Eris is one of the largest known dwarf planet, it’s about the same size as Pluto but is much farther from the Sun than Pluto. It is the most distant out of all the dwarf planets and has the greatest mass. This planet was almost made the 10th planet in our solar system, before Pluto was chosen to be a dwarf planet. There are many interesting facts about this planet, here are some of the coolest. I hope you enjoy and learn something new today after reading this article.

With a radius of 722 miles (1,163 kilometres), Eris is around 1/5 of the size of Earth. Eris, and Pluto, are slightly smaller than our Moon. Imagine if Earth was the size of a nickel, then Eris would be the size of a popcorn kernel. Eris is an average distance of 6,289,000,000 miles (10,125,000,000 kilometres) away from our Sun. It takes sunlight over nines hours to reach Eris from this distance.

It takes a staggering 557 Earth years for Eris to orbit once around the Sun. The path of orbit Eris takes is well out of the solar system’s planets and extends far beyond the Kuiper belt, a zone of icy debris beyond Neptune. A year on Eris, is so much longer than on Earth however a day on Eris is actually a similar length to that on Earth with a time of 25.9 hours.

This planet, most likely has a similar surface to Pluto. Scientist believe that the temperatures vary from -359 degrees Fahrenheit (-217 degrees Celsius) to -405 degrees Fahrenheit(-243 degrees Celsius). As it is so far from the Sun, Eris gets hardly any sunlight that is as strong as it is on other planets like Earth. Due to this, it is permanently so cold.

Dysnomia is the very small moon of Eris. Has a nearly circular orbit lasting around only 16 days, around half the length of our Moon orbiting Earth. It helps to compare Pluto and Eris together.

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