Psychedelic Joe

Afam Agu
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2024


The Final Trip

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Joe had always been fascinated by psychedelics, seeking answers to life’s mysteries through altered states of consciousness.

His latest obsession was a yet-to-be-discovered plant he had seen in an ancient mystical book. He traveled to the Congo, Africa, in search of this elusive plant.

It was 10 pm when a local brought him a plant. Joe’s heart raced with excitement as he compared it to the drawings in the ancient book. It was a match.

He paid the local more than discussed and hurried him out. He took out his portable tools and began synthesizing the plant extract as instructed.

After a moment of second thoughts, he injected himself with the extract and braced for the unknown. But nothing happened.

Three hours later, he was still waiting for something, anything, to happen. Joe was sure he had ingested some random plant over some drunken drawings made hundreds of years ago.

He decided to stop obsessing over the paranormal. Concluding that the profound DMT experience, which had initiated his journey of discovery, was merely a result of the brain being intoxicated. Time to move on.

He fell asleep watching television. However, the sound of the television became too loud, and Joe woke up with a start.

He couldn’t believe his eyes. There was no television. He couldn’t explain where he was physically. It was another world.

Joe found himself face-to-face with a terrifying humanoid race in a world that seemed like hell.

One of them, with glowing red eyes, communicated with John telepathically, revealing that they were the creatures who devised the book that brought him there.

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Joe could hardly believe what he was hearing, but as he looked around, he realized he was no longer in his reality.

The creature pointed behind Joe, and through an inter-dimensional portal, Joe saw himself still asleep on the couch in his room in the Congo.

He gasped as the creature explained that when humans consume the psychedelic extracted from the plant described in the book, their souls are transported and trapped in this dreadful world, while they send their kind to inhabit the soulless bodies of humans on Earth through the portal.

Joe tried to scream and struggled to break free from an invisible bond to no avail.

He watched in terror as three of the creatures became disembodied, shadows rising above their physical forms while their bodies slumped. The shadows flowed through the portal and into his body, one after another.

His body woke up, looked through the portal, and gave an eerie smile. They have full control now.

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The portal closed, and Joe was left alone in this hellish world, stunned and unable to comprehend what just happened.

He realized he was trapped, with no way back to his world. He was now one of the many souls who had been lured into this world by the creatures and their book.

The bitter irony dawned on him — he had finally discovered the unimaginable, inter-dimensional beings and the separation of soul and body, but the cruel twist of destiny ensured that he would never be able to share this revelation with anyone.

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Afam Agu

Writer Penning journeys through Science, Philosophy, Fiction, and Life.