Putin Has Changed His Defense Minister. Sergei Shoigu Is Replaced.

A Person, With Degree In Economics, Will Now Lead The Russian Military.

That Guy, Noah



Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu who was appointed by president Putin, has officially been replaced, by a new candidate, who apparently, has no understanding of direct warfare.

Sergei Shoigu, has been making considerably controversial statements, in the past months. It seems as if he verified that Russia is experiencing a shortage of main battle tanks, that the Russian military is using in Ukraine. He announced that Russian factories are starting boosting their production.

In reality, these factories were deeply pressured, ever since the war started. To think that only after Shoigu’s visit, Russian military factories received orders to increase production, is wrong. However, as everything that Russian Ministry does, is aimed at the West. They are using psychological warfare, to the best of their ability. Why else would have Shoigu openly shared that Russia was forced to increase the production of critical weapons?

Besides this. Sergei Shoigu, is now replaced, under the command of Putin himself. By a totally different individual, with different expertise, that are not directly suited for directing the whole Russian military.



That Guy, Noah

Writer on Russo-Ukraine war, always sharing two sides of the story. Ukraine's fight for freedom and democracy supporter.