Should We Bring Animals Back From Extinction?

Just because we can, doesn’t mean we should

Kesh Anand


Image by 134213 from Pixabay

Our world is currently going through its sixth mass extinction event — and its caused by us, Humans.

Scientists estimate that the current rate of extinction is between 100 and 10,000 times the normal rate seen through the ages.

Advances in medical technology, however, mean that for the first time in forever — we might be able to bring an animal back from the dust bin of history — termed de-extinction.

In attempting to do so — two questions must be answered:

  1. How can we bring extinct animals back?
  2. Which extinct animals should we bring back?

How can we bring extinct animals back?

An animal is extinct when the last one of its species has died, or the population has dwindled so far that they cannot recover or perform their role in the eco-system (such as if you only have a few animals of a species left and they are all the same gender or of advanced aged).

There are three ways in which we can bring them back:

#1: Cloning

This involves using transplanting genetic material from an extinct animal into the egg of a…



Kesh Anand

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