Similarities between Friends and The Big Bang Theory that you hadn’t noticed

There are far more of them than you might imagine

Aitor Velasco
4 min readJan 18, 2020


Courtesy of flickr/BagoGames under Creative Commons 2.0 license

It’s been a few months since the completion of The Big Bang Theory and a few years since the completion of Friends. For me, these are two sitcoms that have made a big impact on us for years.

Both of them share in general terms topics and situations that most sitcoms give us, like the social intertwining between characters, the usual scenarios in the characters’ houses, the surrealistic situations that have happened to all of us some times (probably in a less exaggerated way) and an endless number of sensations that the best sitcoms give us 😊.

With all this, between Friends and The Big Bang Theory there are some very clear similarities

The most unlikely relationships end up being the most stable 👰🤵‍

Who would have thought in season three of The Big Bang Theory that that sweet, tender Bernadette would end up with a sex date like Howard?

And not just a couple, but the most stable couple over the course of the series.

On the other hand, who would have thought that since the first season of Friends, that sarcastic Chandler, with his limited day-to-day cleanliness and order, who almost never ate a doughnut, would end up with that obsessive Monica of order and cleanliness?

In both cases opposites that ended up being soul mates 🧡.

Bromances 🙄

Of those friends who are like brothers and verge on romance even getting to kiss in both series.

That’s the case with Raj and Howard and Chandler and Joey.

Peculiar secondary 👻

They’re not friends, but they’re not enemies either. They stay out of the way as mere secondary, recurring players.

They both have a way of being ‘strange’ and both run the business resulting from the meetings between friends in both series.

This is the case with Stuart and Gunther. In addition, on more than one occasion, both have had disastrous conversations or comments.

Clumsy know-it-all scientists 🖖

Anyone hasn’t noticed the similarity between Sheldon and Ross?

Ross has more social skills than Sheldon, but both share that ‘know-it-all’ tone especially when it comes to issues that directly affect them in their professional field, and if not, too 😅.

They both love their jobs and both maintain the best finances within the entire cast of characters in the series.

The beautiful girl appears on the scene 😍

What does chapter one of The Big Bang Theory have in common with chapter one of Friends?

A beautiful girl enters the scene.

In The Big Bang Theory it’s the case of Penny’s arrival at the building.

In the case of Friends, it’s the arrival of Rachel after her wedding is annulled.

The scientist falls in love with the beautiful girl 👱‍♀️🤓

In the case of The Big Bang Theory everyone is a scientist, but it is worth noting that relationship that seemed taboo between scientist-freak and pretty girl that was always in the institute top.

That’s the case with Leonard-Penny and Ross-Rachel.

In addition, both relationships were characterized by continuous ruptures and reconciliations. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Besides, is it a coincidence that they both got married in Las Vegas? 👸🤴

Clumsy waitresses before finding their profession 😱 ☕🥪

Well, Penny wanted to be an actress, but finally her profession was unexpectedly that of a successful drug seller, an unknown profession.

Yet both Penny and Rachel began serving food with great clumsiness.

Songs about kittens

Photo by Amy Baugess on Unsplash

Another small coincidence is the appearance of the kittens in the recurring songs of both series.
This is the case of Sheldon and his song ‘relax’ for when he was sick from ‘Sweet kitten’ as well as the song that Phoebe sings in the Central Perk on several occasions. 🙀

Final words

As you can see, there are many similarities between the two series. If you have seen any more feel free to put it in the comments!

I hope you enjoyed the article and any input you would like to make is welcome, as well as asking you to share if you liked it! 😀



Aitor Velasco

Software developer born in Windows, nationalized in Linux, and holidays traveling on Mac. Vocation for science. Oh yes, 🐱 and 🍕lover!