Social media is killing individualism

How important is it to mentally and emotionally develop before diving into the unfiltered world of social media?

Hayati Zainal


Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

How much influence do the opinions of the mass on social media have over the youth of this generation? Do our opinions play a part in shaping our personalities and how much of those opinions are influenced by what we see online? These are the questions that we should be asking ourselves now with the rise of social media.

Children today are living in a society that has a social media presence in almost everything they see online. The influence that it has over their developing minds is not something to be taken lightly. One thing is certain, whether good or bad, we will only see the effect of raising a child that is exposed to so much of that content in the next couple of decades. When that generation starts running the economy.

Social media have grown at an unprecedented rate over the years. No one really knew what to expect, and for a while, we basked at the opportunity to express our thoughts and get insights into people’s lives despite being in another location. All this in the comfort of our own homes. It made us feel connected, heard and gave the illusion of importance in a way that was unthinkable before.



Hayati Zainal

Ramblings of a slightly paranoid coffee addict