Natron’s sodium-ion battery — Natron

Sodium Batteries Are Here & They Will Change Everything

It’s eco-friendly, has a long lifespan and can fully charges in eight minutes. Natron’s new battery will change the game.

Will Lockett
Published in
6 min readJun 17, 2022


The eco revolution is in full swing. Electric vehicles (EVs) are flying off dealer’s lots faster than they can be manufactured. Solar and wind farms are cropping up everywhere, with giant grid-level batteries to store their fantastically clean energy. But there is a problem, and it could derail this entire endeavour. The lithium-ion batteries that power this eco transformation are getting incredibly expensive, they don’t last that long, and they have a substantial environmental impact. All of this could stall this critical sustainable overhaul. But there may be a saviour: the sodium-ion battery, and Natron is at the forefront of this game-changing technology. So what makes sodium better? And can it really save the eco shake-up from impedance?

Before diving into Natron, we must first properly understand the issues with lithium-ion batteries.

Firstly, the material shortages. There is plenty of lithium in the world, but few places mine and refine it. Demand for pure, refined lithium was low for decades, so this shortage didn’t matter. But over the past few years, demand has skyrocketed as more EVs and…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at