Solar Self-Sufficiency Is Feasible, Even in Moderate Climates

Solar self-sufficiency for modern single-family homes is feasible, even with electric cars in moderate climates such as Switzerland

Tom Vogel


The author’s home with 22 kWp installed
The author’s home with 22 kWp installed (source: author)

Why Bother With Self-Sufficiency?

In 2021, Switzerland consumed 58 billion kWh of electricity, of which 33% were consumed in private households, and 8% for transportation (mainly railways). Whilst tackling climate change and renewable energy supply won’t work in one big step, it seems worthwhile to address a sector that’s responsible for a third of the entire electricity consumption — private households.

While renewable energy can also be produced centrally using dams, large-scale solar installations, or wind farms, decentralized production of renewable energy has the additional advantage of insuring against power outages. More and more, these occur during heat waves when electricity demands for air conditioning surge — even in “cold” places like Switzerland.

In this article, I will take you through the solar power setup I am using in my own house — well knowing that my house won’t save the world, but it could nevertheless serve as a demonstrator for further developments.

The Setup



Tom Vogel

I can help you with entrepreneurship and resilience advice for all aspects of life. 👉Practical and to the point👌.