How The Most Advance Computer In History Develop ?

Alex Wanderer
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2024
Photo by Growtika on Unsplash

One day I sat on a park bench looking at summer night sky mesmerized by it but there is one thing that I can’t stop thinking when I look at city line I thought to myself, we started as any other animal, race for our survival but now we rule the earth.

,Photo by Khanh Do on Unsplash

We no longer worry about survival we live in luxury we build a culture that embrace stories, poetry, art and science. We study nature universe and other animal.

So what makes us that special? The answer, clear in my mind, revealed itself — the extraordinary power of the human mind, the almighty “BRAIN,” our most potent weapon. And ask to it how it all begin and it take me to the long journey

It take me to around 3.5 billion year ago when all of this started when life for the first time open its eye and single cell organism started to populate ancient oceans. There are some region in the ocean that are positive for survival and some are hell for them due to which they develop receptor on their membrane. They detect the stimuli and release the dance of biochemical and ions that guide them to positive stimuli while help them to go away from negative one

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Whit the passage of time goes on and around 600 million years ago multi-cellular organism evolve and they communicate internally through a gap junction where receptor cell detect the stimuli they release their biochemical melodies and affecter cell respond in harmony this song of evolution goes on for eons.

Photo by Sangga Rima Roman Selia on Unsplash

A new chapter unfold where some cell develop a capability of generating electric signal this cell develop their web know as nerve net a decentralize nerves system this organism are capable of understanding their environment and do basic reflexes

Evolution is mad artist that panted complex painting this complexity result in specialization and localization of cell and come together to form an organ. The need for precise co-ordination and communication among organs prompted the evolution of central nervous system. A central room that govern the body and tell it what to do. Central nervous systems take a leap in vertebrates. Animals graced with spinal cords.

Evolution and time never stop and organism of sea started to roam land of earth due to which their sensory need increase, to navigate it. Not only their eyes but hearing and smelling evolve to, this large amount of data input from these senses force the evolution to increase the size of brain in mammals mainly their neo-cortex, the processing unit of brain. As well as help them to remember important location on land

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash

The march of evolution continued, giving rise to the cousins of human primate. Mammals that lives on trees. But there is challenges for them they survive on a insects and fruit those their eye have to be sharp to find insect and colourish fruit as well as navigate trees it forces their eyes to get better but, this betterment required a strong G.P.U to process the data due to which neo-cortex got bigger in them. Also provide enough room for basic intelligence to develop a society (not like us but basic one).

Photo by Dixon Newman on Unsplash

Around 9.3 million to 6.5 million year ago a pivotal moment unfold-a remarkable split occur in primate, a new species with bigger and complex brain evolve a species none other than ours, not us but our brother come into existence and start the trend of bigger and complex brain, each species of human that come have bigger brain than previous one.

This trend stops around 200,000 years ago when one homo species come with the biggest brain “Homo Sapiens”, our brain are remarkable in itself. We achieve things that, any organism on earth can’t imagine.

Photo by Lachlan Dempsey on Unsplash

It became natural to ask are we panicle of evolution? Are we the greatest creation of nature? After learning one might think is this all just coincidence or someone or some force pulling the rope? Tale of evolution is a fascinating story in itself but question remain the same why we get luck in the evolution? Why not some other species?

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Photo by NASA on Unsplash



Alex Wanderer
Writer for

🚀 A man sailing in the vast sea of knowledge, looking for comrades 🌌 Follow to explore the endless horizons of knowledge and perspective