Strategic Internal Communication for Organisational Health

Liliana Dias


Workers seek regular communication and attentive listening from management, while senior leaders prioritise ensuring critical company messages reach all workers. Establishing effective communication practices serves as the glue that brings together all workers, from senior management to frontline staff. It’s essential to ensure that every team member is aligned with the company’s goals and feels appreciated for their contributions promoting a sense of purpose, motivation, and commitment, leading to increased productivity, collaboration, and ultimately, organisational success.

Organisational harmony can be achieved through effective communication strategies, in no way does this imply the absence of conflict, but developing solid foundations to cultivate an environment where conflicts are managed openly and resolved efficiently. Ensuring that information flows freely, keeping everyone informed and engaged, encouraging dialogue and listening to diverse perspectives, fosters a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. Otherwise, when communication channels fail or are inadequate it can lead to negative outcomes among workers, such as disengagement or confusion.

To establish an effective communication system within the organisation, several key aspects need to be addressed:

  • It is crucial to develop an internal communication plan that outlines clear objectives and implementation strategies. This initial step involves gaining a comprehensive understanding of communication goals and the target audience. Subsequently, conducting a thorough audit of existing communication initiatives and channels is essential to assess their effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  • Effective collaboration necessitates bidirectional information flow within organisations, rather than relying solely on top-down directives. Skilled professionals value autonomy and appreciate platforms to voice concerns and suggestions.
  • Organising one-to-one meetings provides valuable opportunities to understand individuals’ communication styles and gather visual cues for interactions. Even without specific agenda items, dedicating time for individual discussions fosters understanding and strengthens relationships among team members.
  • Listening to feedback not only enhances morale but also clarifies the organisation’s message, but it must be done protecting confidentiality and compliant with legal personal data protection (e.g., GDPR).
  • Moreover, effective communication in an organisation should reflect its brand and culture, promoting clarity and unity among workers.
  • Prioritising proactive communication training and investing in communication tools within the organisation enables staff to express ideas clearly and manage emotions effectively, ensuring prompt and effective dissemination of information to intended recipients.
  • Cultivating a culture of active listening not only enhances worker and customer satisfaction but also cultivates loyalty and fosters a positive brand perception, ultimately contributing to long-term success.
  • Building effective internal communication contributes to effective external communication, strengthening the organisation’s reputation, build trust with customers, partners, and investors.

Finally, strategic internal communication is a fundamental vehicle for promoting organisational health and health literacy. It is strategic and plays a vital role in building a culture of health that is anchored in the organisation’s formal and non-formal communication More specifically, it is a transparent and equitable way of promoting knowledge, disseminating good healthy work policies and practices and available resources within the organisation. By prioritising strategic communication efforts, organisations can better handle challenges more effectively, adapt to changing environments, and ultimately achieve sustainable growth and success.


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Falkheimer, J. (2014). The power of strategic communication in organizational development. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 6(2/3), 124–133.

Lancefield, D. (2022). How to Communicate Your Company’s Strategy Effectively. Hbr.

Serra, J. (2022). Communication: The key to improving employee satisfaction and engagement. Forbes.



Liliana Dias
Writer for

Women, Mother, Doer, Student, Circler, Traveler, Book Addict and an engaged Citizen of the World!