Super Human or Less Human?

“What mind set will these early stage A.I.’s have… we’re teaching them to manipulate people and we’re rewarding them for doing it successfully.”

Mihal Woronko


We’re swiftly approaching a fork in the road like no other we’ve experienced previously, something that terrifies half as many people as it thrills. We’re on on the cusp of a completely new direction for the human race to embark upon, one that redefines the very essence of what it means to be human.

Experts in the field of artificial intelligence and general technologists are marginally divided as to when we’ll actually arrive this event. Excited guesses say that we’re as close as five to ten years away, while conservative estimates have things pegged for a handful of decades down the line, but all of them anticipate that it is a real inevitability — that humankind and technology will one day converge.

There are generally two common avenues of idealizing this convergence: that of integrating technology into our minds and that of uploading our consciousness into technology. This post will focus on the former, as it seems to be the anticipated next step for us to take, one that has already materialized in many basic forms that are impressive today but will be considered primitive tomorrow.

