Suppressing Glutamine Metabolism to Slow Aging

A study in mice suggests that glutamine prevents senescent cells from being cleared, which promotes aging

Gunnar De Winter


(Pixabay, PublicDomainPictures)

Finding pathways

Our quest for healthy aging and extreme longevity is far from over. To achieve this lofty goal, we are devising many strategies: drugs (such as metformin or rapamycin), supplements (such as resveratrol), blood exchange and/or dilution, custom-made molecules, stem cells,…

Alas, we have not discovered the fountain of youth yet.

Right now, the two best things we can do to live a long and healthy life are:

  • Choose the right parents (aka genetics).
  • Choose the right lifestyle (aka something close to a Blue Zone template).

Still, we remain undeterred in our desire to free ourselves from the shackles of the (inevitable?) decline we all face in old age.

And along the way, we’re learning a thing or two.

The things we learn, though, should be approached with reasonable caution. Many of the breakthroughs we hear about in the anti-aging field are made in animal models or petri dishes. We lack long-term (and quality) data in humans (which is, of course, hard to get when it…

