“TEEGARDEN-B” The planet more habitable than the earth?…

Nexus Waves
Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2021

Approximately 10 planets in every star system and at least one planet of every solar system is habitable like earth.

Today I’m talking about the planet named TEEGARDEN-B. A planet more habitable than the Earth.

What is habitable planet?

Planets can be anywhere in a solar system. Planets can be too close or can be too far. If a planet stays too close to it’s host star then the planet’s atmosphere becomes too dense to have have water in it’s surface. And if a planet stays too far from it’s host star then the planet’s atmosphere becomes too thin that the water on the surface becomes completely frozen. In every solar system, there is a region around the star, not too close and not too far known as habitable zone or Goldilocks zone. Our earth lies in the habitable zone of our sun.

What is exoplanet?

There are trillions of planets in the universe. A big part of the total planets are unhabitable. But there are billions of planet, yeah billions of planet are habitable out there. In our solar system, there is only one habitable planet. But in some star systems the habitable planets number reach as high as five.

In short, the planets in the other solar systems within the habitable zones are known as exoplanets.

What is superhabitable planet?

There are approximately 5000 confirmed exoplanets. By the scientists, these numbers could reach 100 thousand million. The superhabitable are those planet who are more suitable than earth to sustain lifeforms. There are 24 confirmed superhabitable planets so far.

What about TEEGARDEN-B?

TEEGARDEN-B, a habitable planet orbiting around the star TEEGARDEN (a red dwarf, 10 times smaller than our sun). It was first discovered by 𝙕𝙚𝙘𝙝𝙢𝙚𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚 𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙡 in June 2019 in Calar Alto Observatory. It is approximately 12.4 light years away from the earth.

Mass of TEEGARDEN-B is 1.05 the mass of the earth. TEEGARDEN-B takes 4.9 days to an orbit around his host star. Yeah, you got it right. A year in TEEGARDEN-B is smaller than a week on earth.

Scientists created an ESI (earth similarity index) system. Earth has a value of 1 in ESI where TEEGARDEN-B has an ESI value of 0.84 as compared to earth. any planet with an ESI value of more that 0.8 can sustain life like our planet. It’s tidally locked but the twilight stripe of the planet able to sustain life. And by some researchers the twilight stripe can be more habitable than the earth if there will be the ozone layer more thick than the earth’s. Because the star of TEEGARDEN-B radiates 100 times more radiation than our sun.

What do you get?

TEEGARDEN-B can be more habitable than earth but we are not able to travel or send a space probe. By today’s technology it takes 560000 years to reach to TEEGARDEN-B that’s why the scientists are working on warp drive technology to move faster than the speed of light.

I’ll pray for everyone to live long enough to see the warp drive in their lifespan.



Nexus Waves

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