Text Prompts 101: A Guide to Boosting Your Creativity and Emotions with AI

Rudi Widiyanto
Published in
3 min readJul 11, 2023
Bentley generated using Leonardo

AI is advancing rapidly, but it still relies on text prompts to generate content. Whether it’s an article or an image, we need to describe our ideas in detail for the AI to understand and create. How good are we at using descriptive words?

I have been experimenting with text and image generators, and I find it fascinating and challenging. I can write an article, but I struggle to create images. Maybe I’m better at appreciating art than making it. Or maybe I need to learn how to describe it better.

Text prompts are the bridge between our imagination and the AI’s output. They are the instructions that tell the AI what we want, how we want it, and why we want it. They are also the reflection of our creativity and emotions.

The more descriptive and specific we are with our text prompts, the more likely we are to get a satisfying result from the AI. For example, if we want to generate an image of a sunset, we can’t just write “a sunset”. We have to add details like the color of the sky, the shape of the clouds, the location of the sun, the landscape, etc. We have to paint a picture with words.

But how do we come up with these details? How do we find the right words to express our vision? This is where our creativity comes in. We can use our imagination to invent scenarios, or we can use our memory to recall experiences. We can also use our inspiration to borrow from others, such as artists, writers, or photographers. We can search for examples online, or we can look around us in real life. We can mix and match different elements, or we can stick to one theme. The possibilities are endless.

The more we practice using text prompts, the more we train our creativity. We learn how to use language effectively and efficiently. We learn how to communicate clearly and concisely. We learn how to be original and unique.

But text prompts are not only about creativity. They are also about emotions. Adjectives are the key to convey our feelings, and we need more of them in this world. Adjectives are the words that describe the qualities or states of things or people, such as beautiful, happy, angry, etc. They add color and flavor to our language. They also add depth and meaning to our emotions.

The more we use adjectives in our text prompts, the more we express our emotions to the AI. We tell the AI not only what we want, but also how we feel about it. For example, if we want to generate an image of a sunset, we can’t just write “a beautiful sunset”. We have to add adjectives that reflect our mood, such as “a serene sunset”, “a fiery sunset”, “a melancholic sunset”, etc. We have to show a feeling with words.

How do we choose these adjectives? How do we know what we feel? This is where our emotions come in. We can use our intuition to sense our feelings, or we can use our logic to analyze them. We can also use our empathy to relate to others, such as friends, family, or strangers. We can ask for feedback online, or we can share our thoughts in person. We can be honest and authentic, or we can be playful and ironic. The choices are endless.

The more we express our emotions with text prompts, the more we release them in a positive way. We learn how to use language emotionally and socially. We learn how to connect deeply and sincerely. We learn how to be human and humane.

Text prompts are not just a tool for generating content with AI. They are also a tool for boosting our creativity and emotions with ourselves and others. They are a way of exploring our inner and outer worlds with words.

What do you think? Have you tried any text or image generators? How do you describe your vision and your feelings to the AI? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!





Rudi Widiyanto

Psych Graduate who love to observe life, diving into astronomy, and riding fast-evolving AI. What's yours?