DO Lectures
Published in
37 min readSep 13, 2023


The non-obvious art of growing a founder brand with a newsletter.

How to stop being busy and start growing your business instead.

Hiut Denim Co. Cardigan, West Wales.

Will this save my business?

That was the only burning question I had for newsletters back in 2012. Spoiler alert: It did. But I was making the #1 mistake founders make when they start a newsletter. They think of it as another sales channel. If done right, it will become your most important sales channel…

But only if you make it your #1 giving channel.

Back Story

Clare and I had started a denim brand with its own factory, and we had a dream launch — almost every national newspaper wrote about us. We had six months’ worth of orders in a matter of weeks. And each day, the orders kept rolling in.

It sounds like a nice problem to have, and, for sure, it is, but we could not keep up. The stress levels were through the factory roof.

Customers could not get their heads around why they had to wait so long for a pair of jeans, even if they were the best in the world.

To catch up, I went in search of more makers to hire. I successfully doubled our workforce. Tick. At the same time, I believed (wrongly) I had to slow demand.

