The #1 Way To Mitigate Climate Change Is Here

Bucho Abina III
Published in
4 min readFeb 28, 2024

“Buildings & construction are responsible for 37% of all process-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. There’s a significant solution in the works.”

Photo by Joe Holland on Unsplash

Let’s state the obvious first.

Too many carbon emissions in the air are harmful.

Because there’s too much in the air, the temperature outside is increasing rapidly.

Well, that’s one of many things that are changing.

A domino effect of consequences follows.

True solution-based thinking consists of taking a problem and leveraging the polar opposite of it(the positive version) and acting in that direction.

Residential and commercial construction projects use energy every day. In 2021, the industry was responsible for 37% of all process-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

37% is wild.

It's way too big of a number and most definitely the area to prioritize when it comes to decreasing carbon emissions.

As it relates to the sector of buildings and construction, finding ways to do it better is the obvious solution.

So, what’s this solution that’s in the works?

Solar Fuel Production

Firstly, solar energy is at the top of the list regarding renewable energy.

Solar energy uses the power of the sun to create electricity by capturing its light with specific panels.

Solar technology is already quite popular as an alternative to electricity in many homes and businesses.

What is the next step after leveraging solar energy?

It’s Solar Fuel Production.

It's essentially the process of converting sunlight energy into liquid fuel using water and carbon dioxide.

  • It's a renewable energy source.
  • The fuels do not contribute to greenhouse gas emissions when used as an energy source.

Wouldn't a true solution to climate change be circled around the replacement of fossil fuels for something else that does not contribute to greenhouse gas emissions? I agree and everyone else would as well.

We have a slight double-edged sword here.

Fortunately, it's very slight.

The production of solar fuels will demand energy-intensive processes and infrastructure. We are talking about the use of carbon emissions.

The irony.

It’s almost as ironic as the impact of electric cars on the environment. But I’ll write a story about that another time.

Yes, we are going to be using carbon emissions to create this new and improved fuel.

If we compare the benefits to the negative effects, then we end up with an absolute win. It's more or less a necessary evil.

The upside is tremendous.

Imagine a world where the use of solar fuels is our go-to.

No more fossil fuels and climate change is officially mitigated. Mostly.

Here are some more eye-opening benefits:

Theres many more benefits but I feel those are the biggest.

Now, I know I was talking about the problems related to buildings and construction. Still, this solution has the potential not only to solve that problem but ALL issues related to the over-emitting of carbon emissions.

So…Where Is It Then?

That's the thing.

Solar fuel is at the beginning of its journey.

A company that is starting production soon is Synhelion.

They probably already did actually.

They said they start production “in 2024”. As it is February right now, they are most likely rolling out their fuel commercially.

This is bigger than we know.

Personally, out of all the solutions that are at play globally that I know of, this one is probably the best.

The future is bright, no pun intended.

A few ties I have to the mitigation of climate change are as follows.

  • Founder of the Amazon Revival Foundation.
  • Content marketing for agricultural companies.
  • Of course, writing about these topics here on Medium.

What I want to focus on here is the foundation I started. As stated above, it’s called the Amazon Revival Foundation.

It’s a partnership with One Tree Planted to ensure the Amazon Rainforest experiences an abundance of reforestation.

Because it is experiencing and has been experiencing high levels of deforestation.

1$ plants one tree.

The first goal of the foundation is to plant 1000 trees.

Here is a link to donate: Link

It’s quite a fulfilling endeavor. Knowing that the foundation is contributing to a massive cause.

I’m excited to see where this goes!

That concludes my story for the day. I hope this message finds you at a perfect time in your life. I wish the best to all who reads my work. Till my next piece!

Want to follow me on my journey? Here are some valuable links I’m associated with.

  • Personal Instagram: Link (I am getting more consistent with posting lol)
  • Amazon Revival Foundation’s Instagram: Link
  • My Medium Profile: Link (even though you can just click on my profile lol just want to make it more convenient)

Best, Bucho Abina III



Bucho Abina III

Environmental Topics & Musical Opinions. Unique, but great combo.