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The Battery That Will Make Fossil Fuels & Nuclear Power A Thing Of The Past

At half the price of lithium-ion, CO² batteries are set to kickstart a renewable energy revolution.

Will Lockett
Published in
6 min readJul 10, 2022


At half the price of lithium-ion, CO² batteries are set to kickstart a renewable energy revolution.

It seems mad that in this day and age, we are still digging up oil and burning it for power. This archaic method not only destroys the planet, it is also expensive and has even kickstarted wars. But a recent innovation could make fossil fuels, and even some next-gen power sources, completely obsolete by making solar and wind far cheaper and greener. Welcome to the miraculous world of the CO² battery.

Firstly, what is a CO² battery?

Well, it is a system that stores energy by changing the state of carbon dioxide in a closed loop. When the battery is discharged, it is just a massive dome filled with atmospheric pressure carbon dioxide. To charge it, the carbon dioxide is pumped out of the dome and compressed, which heats it up. The heat is removed and stored in a device known as a TES (Thermal Energy Storage), which turns the carbon dioxide into a cold, dense liquid that is then stored in tanks. Now energy is stored as heat in the TES and as pressure in the liquid carbon dioxide…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at