The Beatles: Top 3 Reasons For Their Success

Bucho Abina III
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2024

“They paved more roads for musical artists today than anyone else has, ever”

Photo Via Canva Pro

Everyone has heard of them.

The Beatles

They are one of the most unique bands ever created.

Lasting only 7 years but making a mark in musical culture that will last an eternity.

They produced countless classics over that span.

One way to truly appreciate any form of art from any artist is by knowing how they created it.

Here is what I believe are The Beatles’ Top 3 Reasons For Their Success.

Concept Albums

Not many people know this but The Beatles started the very popular approach of building an album where the songs on the album were all interconnected and collectively contributing to an overall feel or theme.

We all know about this approach.

Tons of artists use it.

Any album that you feel is telling a story from start to finish or where all the songs were woven together with meaning is a product of what The Beatles started.

Two things were achieved when The Beatles started this.

  • Encouraged deeper appreciation of an artist’s/band’s artistic vision.
  • Encouraged listeners to engage with the album as a whole compared to cherry-picking individual songs.

This is probably one of the biggest and most important artistic approaches that has and forever will influence the whole music industry.

Cultural Influence In The Fashion Industry

Their influence on pop culture is still felt today.

Musical artists having unique fashionable wardrobes is quite common today.

But not back then.

The Beatles are the ones who really allowed this to be a thing.

Musical artist’s influence back then was mainly limited to their musical approaches. Meaning what they were to create would then inspire others to do their version of it.

The Beatles created a path where musical artists would now be able to push their influence past just music and into the fashion industry.

Within their primary genre of rock, they redefined what a band’s image could be.

  • Their iconic mop-top hairstyles
  • Tailored suits
  • Colorful attire

All of these contributed to a fashion shift that is still seen today.

Musical artists nowadays have clothing brands and/or strong power when it comes to the fashion industry, and we all can give thanks to The Beatles for paving that way back in the 60s.

Musical Versatility

This one is probably the most obvious.

It’s the reason their music still feels so fresh today.

Their ability to excel in numerous genres contributes to their music versatility greatly.

They would transition from upbeat rock to introspective ballads to folk-inspired acoustic songs and then to psychedelic and experimental tracks.

This allows appeal from so many different listeners with so many different backgrounds.

People’s emotions and perspectives change all throughout the day, the week, and life in general.

With their musical range being so wide open it allows for someone to enjoy different songs at different times in their life.

That’s true musical versatility right there.

And anyone who has engaged in their music further than their top hits can attest to this.

That’s going to conclude my musical story for the day. I’ve been listening deeply to music that was put out from the ’50s all the way to the late ’80s and want to express all the awesome aspects I’ve been able to get from it. Here are a couple of other music-related stories I’ve already written:


I plan on writing many more music-related topics. Follow me and stay tuned!

Best, Bucho Abina III

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  • Personal Instagram: Link
  • My foundation raises money to combat climate change. We plant trees back into the Amazon Rainforest: Amazon Revival Foundation’s Instagram: Link
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Bucho Abina III

Writing about environmental topics, my own unique self-development concepts, and music. Owner of Climate Cause Media