The Bermuda Triangle and UFO Sightings

The Bermuda Triangle is real.

Noah Hradek
6 min readApr 2, 2024


Bermuda triangle ship

A long time ago I had a book on mysteries like Where’s Waldo, except it had things like the Pyramids, Stonehenge, and the Bermuda Triangle. The Bermuda Triangle is a legend, a place where aircraft go missing, lost Atlantean cities lay, and people are abducted by aliens in midair. Michael Salla’s source JP has described numerous space arks buried deep underneath the Atlantic near the Bermuda Triangle. While I’m not sure there’s any direct evidence for this, there seems to be a lot of indirect evidence. Not just a litiny of missing aircraft and ships but also UFO sightings. Let’s see why the Bermuda Triangle coast has a statistically higher number of UFO sightings.

The Bermudan Triangle
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc./Kenny Chmielewski

The triangle itself extends from the edge of the island of Bermuda to the coast of Florida and then Puerto Rico. However, could there be more UFO sightings in this area? It started when I noticed Myrtle Beach and the surrounding area had an abnormally higher number of sightings compared to the rest of the country. Then I noticed that if we only consider cities with populations over 100k inhabitants, then Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, and the Miami area of West Palm Beach, Florida, had the highest number of sightings per 100k people of anywhere on the East Coast. For a comparison, using the Corgis Dataset here’s an example of major cities around the US in comparison.

  • Myrtle Beach: 47.87 per 100k pop
  • West Palm Beach: 45.92 per 100k pop
  • New York City: 0.058 per 100k pop
  • Boston: 1.52 per 100k pop
  • Virginia Beach: 6.38 per 100k pop
  • Las Vegas: 15.44 per 100k pop
  • New Orleans: 4.72 per 100k pop

Likewise, if we look at the Axios visualization, we see that Horry County, the county that Myrtle Beach is located in and neighboring Georgetown County has over 100 sightings per 100k population. One of the highest sighting rates per capita in the country.

US Chart
Axios Visualizations

What is causing Myrtle Beach to have such a high number of UFO sightings per capita compared to nearly every other major city in the eastern continental US? Comparing Myrtle Beach and West Palm Beach visually to every other Eastern American city we see why there is something unusual about both cities.

UFO Sighting Chart
UFO Sightings per 100k people in cities with a population over 100k

Myrtle Beach is almost directly across on nearly the same latitude as Bermuda. North Myrtle Beach is at the same latitude as Bermuda and has a high sighting count relative to population. The triangle itself extends to Miami and West Palm Beach which itself has a much higher UFO sighting count than anywhere else nearby. Could this just be a coincidence? I looked at the sighting count per 100k for Bermuda, the Bahamas, the Turks, and Caicos Islands, and various states using population data from 2022 and 2020 population data. However, these figures are approximate and this number may vary.

  • South Carolina: 43.82
  • Florida: 38.56
  • Bermuda: 26.76
  • Turks and Caicos Islands: 8.75
  • Bahamas: 8.05

Bermuda’s number of sightings per 100k pop doesn’t seem that high but it’s very high relative to other countries even anglosphere countries like the UK and Australia. It’s higher than US states like Texas and Georgia and is comparable in sightings per capita to Mississippi. If we look at the top 10 countries in terms of UFO sightings per 100k pop excluding US states and Canada we see why the Bermuda Triangle must be real.

Table of UFO Data
Top 10 Countries for UFO Sightings per 100k pop excluding the US and Canada.

Anyone who thinks the Bermuda Triangle is bullshit has to explain why it has nearly five times the number of sightings of the UK and many more times Australia’s number of sightings. Often English-language datasets like NUFORC get criticized because they cater to American audiences and therefore have more sightings in English-language countries. However, why would a British overseas territory like Bermuda have so many sightings compared to the UK per capita? Both speak English and the UK even has famous cases like Rendlesham Forest. Australia is even lower at 3.68 sightings per 100k people.

Bermuda has five times as many sightings per capita as the UK and seven times as many per capita as Australia. It’s even higher than at least four American states in terms of sightings per capita. Bermuda is very unlike both the UK and Australia in terms of the number of sightings per capita. In fact, 4 out of the top 10 countries excluding the US and Canada, in terms of UFO sightings per capita, are in the line of sight of the Bermuda Triangle within the Caribbean and Atlantic.

According to Michael Salla’s source JP. The underwater space ark in the Bermuda Triangle is on the way to Bermuda from Daytona Beach in Florida. This would place the airspace above right in the middle of the line of sight of not only Myrtle Beach, South Carolina but also Bermuda and probably the Bahamas. Where do we find the most UFO sightings per capita anywhere in the world outside of a few American states? Bermuda. This can’t be a coincidence and it must be the case that Bermuda and other nearby islands like Turk and Caicos Islands and Bahamas are statistically distinct from other parts of the world.

UFO Sightings by State
Sightings per 100k pop in the Southeast

If you look at South Carolina and Florida overall, they have slightly higher sighting counts per capita than any other Southeastern state. Arkansas is fairly high but it’s much further to the west. Why would this be the case if they were all close by in geographical proximity? The one thing that does make sense is if there were something over the Atlantic causing an increase in UFO sightings. Everybody might laugh at the idea that there are more UFO sightings over the Bermuda Triangle and that the whole idea of a triangle with hidden space arks is nonsense but the data supports this. Why else would there be such a high density in this area and nowhere else in the eastern continental US? Even high-sighting states like Vermont are relatively low when comparing cities like Burlington to Myrtle Beach.

The one thing that does make sense is that the Bermuda Triangle is real and UFOs visit this area. There may be real space arks and orbs flying from them like Michael Salla says is happening. It’s the only thing that makes sense considering the concentration of sightings and the fact that Bermuda is nearly five times higher in sightings per capita than the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. These are all English-speaking countries that shouldn’t be as biased by an English language dataset. This means the Bermuda Triangle is real, there must be something to the reality of some submerged city or space ark in this part of the Atlantic Ocean. There is something out there in the Atlantic close to Bermuda.

Data Sources: NUFORC, Corgis Dataset, and World Bank.

