Felicity Harley
Published in
4 min readSep 3, 2024

The Burning Years, the first book in my five book series, focuses on what has happened to us after the surface of the Earth becomes unlivable.

I do not believe we should give up on climate change mitigation, but I honestly do not believe any large economy can, in the short term, mitigate it sufficiently to stop its effects advancing, since everything related to our modern way of life depends on keeping our oil-based systems going.

In my book I imagine how we will manage and survive the effects of climate change by living underground. Something which during long periods of disasters occurring on the surface of the planet, many humans have done before us.

When I first started to write these books ten years ago, I imagined that super-rich elites including a large group of tech bros, would in fact control the underground cities and communities which were developed post climate change. I imagined this scenario because they were the ones who had the resources to do so, and by that time (2060) were in control of most global governments using their money and influence. Peter Thiel and his support of JD Vance is a beautiful example of this trend. In fact, this article in the Guardian couldn’t describe these bros and their future plans better. But hang on to your hats, the Guardian article isn’t dystopian fiction, it’s fact. Quite honestly I couldn’t believe the navy seals bit, since I have navy seals in my book as well! Great minds clearly think alike (fools also seldom differ).

On a similar theme to the one advanced above, I was also interested to read recently in Wired about Mark Zuckerberg’s 500 hectare compound on Hawaii. This compound is 65 times the size of Buckingham Palace or Versailles Palace. It is a huge place with two mansions that contain 30 rooms and 30 bathrooms, elevators, offices, conference rooms and kitchens. The compound also includes a gym and a sauna. Of course there is a 5,000 foot shelter underneath. The door to this underground bunker is constructed of metal and filled in with concrete. Zuckerberg apparently paid 170 million for the land and another $100 million for the structures.

Given the magnitude of what is going to happen to the surface of the Earth because of climate change, I would venture to guess that Mr. Zuckerberg will either starve to death or be drowned or incinerated in his bunker.

Given the map below, Hawaii is not a good pick, I would suggest Alaska, Antartica, New Zealand or Siberia as alternative locations to him. Also, in my book the technocrats in control are much more inventive than the ones described in the Guardian article above, because mine understand and fully utilize futuristic science and technology to survive.

As published in Connectography (2016) by Parag Khanna. © 2009 Reed Business Information — UK. All rights reserved. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency.”

My advice to Zuckerberg and all the others like him, is to look at quite a different model. One which I introduce in book four of the Until This Last series. It is based on the One Small Town model developed by Michael Tellinger.

In Tellinger’s model people work in cooperation and collaboration for the wellbeing of the entire community, contributing their skills and talents for the benefit of all. Members of the community share everything they have grown, built and created equally.

Everyone who lives there is an equal shareholder in all the enterprises. Everything that is needed to survive is provided by the community as a whole, including food, housing, services, education, healthcare & more.​

I would suggest this would be a much better model for the genetic and societal survival of our species.

Oh, and of course, since I write science fiction, these communities do get a little help from our friends. Friends who require quid pro quos from us, and don’t give a for “the tech bros” since they’re a lot smarter and much higher up on the Universe’s food chain than us.

Consider buying my first book The Burning Years by following this link. Four more books to come out over the next two years. My series Until This Last among other things, tells the compelling story of how a non-governmental group of resourceful, human revolutionaries and scientists in the future, with a little help from extra-terrestrial, cryptodimensional and inter-dimensional allies, secure Earth and our future.



Felicity Harley
Writer for

writer. student of the human condition & psyche. grounded by family, garden and good wine.