The Capture of Australian Immigration Policy and A Systemic Housing Crisis

Mark Timberlake
Published in
9 min readMar 16, 2024


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The Australian government is deliberately pursuing mass immigration with complete disregard for its catastrophic impacts on access to housing.

Soaring consumer prices, and property prices, driven by massive immigration, are resulting in rising inflation and interest rates, contributing to a cost-of-living crisis, and catastrophic levels of homelessness, as thousands of Australians are forced out of property ownership and rental accommodation.

Australia’s current housing and cost of living crisis reflects the same short-sighted sellout to vested interests that has allowed Australian property, water rights, agricultural land, innovation, and successful ventures to be bought wholesale by foreign buyers. Australian governments have presided over the wholesale predation of the country’s vast resources, and assets, with no compensating investment in its future.

The Business Council of Australia has successfully lobbied government to pursue unsustainably high immigration which is treated as a vast resource for easy value extraction. The government also benefits since, deliberately pursuing economic growth through immigration, given the uncritical public reception of positive economic growth, translates into electoral success.

Surveys indicate that the real level of homelessness across Australia is around 270,000. Social welfare…



Mark Timberlake

A quest for insights from subterranean depths. Seeker of ideas, awakenings, alchemy. Thoughts from a troubled star.