The Challenges and Possibilities of Colonizing Mars

In recent years, many news about our plan to send a manned mission to the surface of Mars. Does the journey have a challenge like the Apollo program, or this journey is even more difficult?

Rudi Widiyanto


Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash

Wernher von Braun was a visionary rocket engineer who designed the Saturn V, the most powerful rocket ever built. The Saturn V was not only capable of sending humans to the Moon, but also had the potential to launch a manned mission to Mars. In fact, von Braun had a dream of colonizing the red planet since 1952, when he published a book called The Mars Project, where he outlined a detailed plan for a Martian expedition. He proposed using 10 Saturn V rockets to launch a fleet of spacecraft that would carry 70 crew members and various equipment. The mission would take about a year and would involve landing on Mars and exploring its surface.

However, this plan was never realized ( some considered as science fiction book/plan), as NASA focused on the Apollo program and the Moon landing instead. The Saturn V rocket was only used for nine crewed flights to the Moon and one launch of Skylab, the first American space station. Von Braun never got to see his dream of Mars colonization come true, but he did become a pioneer of…



Rudi Widiyanto

Psych Graduate who love to star-gaze, observe life, and diving. What's yours?