The Creative Destruction of You: Reinvent Yourself for Continued Success

Larry Boyer
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2018


Creative destruction is often talked about in terms of product development. Let’s take it out of this context and put in in the context and apply it to you and your personal development.

Creative destruction is the process of creating a new and better product that destroys the need for your existing product.

You need to do the same with yourself to create a new, more advanced version of you. To some degree we do this naturally. If you look back on your life, are you really the same person you were 5, 10 or 20 years ago? But here’s the question, was your change intentional or unintentional?

The need to develop and “release” the next version of you is now more imporant than ever. As the Fourth Industrial Revolution continues, the pace of technological and economic change is accelerating. In order to remain relevant and employable, you need an intentional product release schedule for you. This can be addressed through the process of learning, unlearning, and learning again in order to advance in your career.

The skills that help you be successful at one stage in your career and at one point in time are often a hindrance in the next stage. At the same time in order to move to the next stage in your career you need to be learning new skills. In…



Larry Boyer

Larry Boyer is an analytics leader who enjoys working with the interplay of people, processes and technology.