The Curious Coincidences of Alpha Centauri

The star system next door has its own share of secrets!

Salman Hasan


Alpha Centauri A and B in the bright dot (L), Beta Centauri (a different star system) (R); Proxima Centauri in the red circle. Wikipedia

A few years ago, I read this article that talked about aliens in the Alpha Centauri system. For the uninitiated, the Alpha Centauri is the nearest star system to our own, a mere 4.4 light years away. It has three stars named Alpha Centauri A, B, and C— the last one is also known as Proxima Centauri and is a red dwarf. The article I read talked about how in the 1950s there were talks of aliens from the system visiting earth telepathically and having chats with scientists. There were also talks of 8 feet tall humanoid aliens from the system visiting Taiwan in 2012. Of course, it was all fun, silly read. Except, back when the article was published in 2016, the news was abuzz with the discovery of a small earth-like planet near Proxima Centauri. So, the author wondered if there may be a grain of truth in all those alien folklores after all! Now, “an unlikely to be” alien signal and another possible super-earth later, one again wonders — what's going on up there!

The Alpha Centauri System



Salman Hasan

Trained scientist; Business consultant; Armchair philosopher; I write on various topics including science, climate change, startups, and business.