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The DoJ Is Closing In On Tesla

Is karma about to bite Musk?

Will Lockett
Published in
4 min readMay 18, 2024


Do you remember how much Musk over-exaggerated how good Tesla’s self-driving abilities were? For years, it felt like he would claim Teslas are self-driving in all but name and safer than human drivers on a daily basis. Do you also remember how the number of Teslas crashing while using Autopilot/FSD has ballooned over the years? There have been quite a few high-profile fatal crashes in which Tesla’s AI has been strongly incriminated as the incident’s root cause. Well, this hasn’t gone unnoticed, and Tesla has been under criminal investigation by the Department of Justice (DoJ) for a while now. In fact, we just got a little peek into where they are taking this case, and it seems Tesla might face charges of securities and wire fraud. But why? And will these charges stick?

When I say Musk and Tesla have been over-exaggerating Autopilot & FSD, I mean it. For example, back in 2016, Tesla released a video of the interior of a Model 3 self-driving through junctions and windy roads without the driver touching any of the controls, and Musk claimed this video showed how advanced and capable their self-driving AI was. Tesla engineers have since testified that the video was faked and the car was actually driven by an unseen human driver. Musk also claimed back in 2016 that their self-driving AI is “probably better” than a human…



Will Lockett

Independent journalist covering global politics, climate change and technology. Get articles early at