The Evolution Of Negentropy

Phyllis Rawley
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2020
Picture Credit: LADBible

Jordan Peterson chuckled in an interview once, “The only problem we have is entropy.” As a Dominatrix, I wanted to tap the boys on the shoulder and remind them about polarity. Negentropy is entropy’s polarity. Move over, fellas! We’re evolving.

Ever learn about Schrödinger’s “paradox”? Erwin Schrödinger, Director of Theoretical Physics at Trinity College in Dublin, was maligned for his layperson’s style of writing his book, What is Life? Wikipedia describes it:

In a world governed by the second law of thermodynamics, all isolated systems are expected to approach a state of maximum disorder. Since life approaches and maintains a highly ordered state, some argue that this seems to violate the aforementioned second law, implying that there is a paradox. However, since the biosphere is not an isolated system, there is no paradox. The increase of order inside an organism is more than paid for by an increase in disorder outside this organism by the loss of heat into the environment. By this mechanism, the second law is obeyed, and life maintains a highly ordered state, which it sustains by causing a net increase in disorder in the Universe. In order to increase the complexity on Earth — as life does — free energy is needed and in this case, is provided by the Sun.

I like the way Schrödinger explained our need for negentropy when he wrote: “Thus the device by which an organism maintains itself stationary at a fairly high level of orderliness equals fairly low level of entropy. It really consists of continually sucking orderliness from its environment.” It’s how it works on our planet. We are consumers or eaters.

Negentropy is the building of new systems based on this evolutionary end of the old. And lucky us to live in a time of witnessing our rapid evolution. Our societal entropies tend to go out loud, violent, and then it gets quiet for a bit before we get going again.

Evolutionary shifts are turbulent. War, famine, catastrophic weather, and plagues are entropy’s way of exiting. As a result, we get a jump up the evolutionary scale. World War I gave us the Industrial Age, and World War II the Information Age. What’s next is awesome because we are earning it.

Negentropy is our future. As Plato said, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” We live in a time of collective necessity. The inventions of the future will meet our current needs.

Evolutionary Astrology shows us we are moving from the Piscean to the Aquarian Age. That transition takes about 100 years. That age shift started in 1969, and the Fifth Dimension sang about the dawning of “The Age of Aquarius.” We’re halfway through and now we get to define and create the new.

To paraphrase Winston Churchill: “History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.”

So what is next, better, or different? Monty Python coined the negentropic “Adopt, Adapt, and Improve.” Versus the destructive entropic of abandon, clash, and deteriorate. But where to start? You — Predictors take on these big answers.

Negentrophying our physiology will matter. We are a consuming species. Eating is what we do, often to our detriment. The negentropic opportunity created when demand exceeds the supply of our needs is in our production. Improving our nutrition intake makes sense for the longer term.

And then there’s religion. We define religion as a belief system and reverence practice of a power outside of ourselves. With polarity, that divine reverence and practice shift inward. The “all is God” is the evolutionary jump in spirituality. This is another polarity swing away from the pantheistic religions.

With all these polarities to think about, personal negentropy matters most. The good news is we have emotional or heart intelligence for directional guidance. The Heart Math Institute has taught us the heart has a magnetic field. What you emote you attract to yourself.

And thoughts are electrical. Electron microscopes show the electrical neurons firing and connecting as thoughts grow. When thoughts and emotions are coherent, they make an electromagnetic pulse. Whether positive or negative, thoughts and emotions attract. That’s a pretty cool design feature.

A Peruvian Shaman told me once, “You in the West live too much in your heads. You have undeveloped hearts.” Ouch. That was a bitch slap! As an ex-pat living in Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and now South America, I can see his point. It is interesting to note as the Coronavirus goes through the USA. Americans panic buying have their minds focused on their asses.

Okay, so more emotional intelligence is needed to align with my thoughts. I can do that. The heart has its way of communicating. It does not use words, but feelings.

Ever noticed the flutter or contractions of muscles when a charged experience occurs? That’s your internal communication system working. Like when your knees tremble standing over a steep ledge, it’s the body doing its job. Ignore them enough and you get a heart attack or dis-ease. But how do you build your heart’s intelligence?

The platitude “follow your heart” sounds like a sponsored Instagram post to a beach resort. Our culture has compartmentalized emotions for romantic relationships or hobbies, but the heart’s desire is like a steering wheel for decision making.

These desires, passions, curiosities or disdain are the physical expressions of the heart. They assist in directing or redirecting your focus. Use them as directional turn signals for making changes.

The Mayans taught the formula for humanity is: time multiplied by energy or focus equals your art. The purpose and gift of being human is to create art. We do that best when we let the heart emote and attract what we desire. A note of caution: this works with negative thoughts as well. Depression makes for a powerful magnetic tool.

What does the heart want? To feel good. It makes you a peaceful, better and negentropic human. As they say, “make the world a better place.”

There are myriad choices to give your heart that feeling. How you do so is your art, evidenced by your life. A self-check for yourself is “am I doing, living, being what I love?” Then adopt, adapt and improve accordingly.

Creating what you love will get different results in your world. As compared to a job you hate, the weight of debt or the fear of loss that is part of our entropic world. One is internally polarized; the other, external. Our entropic world is the problem. The solution is the internal heart-mind intelligence of our evolution.



Phyllis Rawley

Know Thyself More. Conscious living and loving coach. A retired Dominatrix, and former missionary. Oracle Duties at