The Eyes Are Windows to… Alzheimer’s Disease?

More and more studies are suggesting that the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease are accompanied by changes in the retina

Gunnar De Winter


(Pixabay, Pexels)

Fast diagnosis needed

Modern medicine and healthcare have given us a lot. Among other things, a boost in average life expectancy.

That’s a good thing. But a major worry is that this might be accompanied by a substantial healthcare burden. Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia are a big part of that burden.

Named after German psychiatrist Aloïs Alzheimer who first described the condition in 1906, Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disease that leads to cognitive, memory, and behavioral problems.

There are genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease, with APOE being a major one. A specific version of this gene, APOE4, is associated with a significantly increased risk for Alzheimer’s.

But lifestyle matters too, regardless of the genes you may (not) carry. Mental and physical exercise have a protective effect, and a Japanese or Mediterranean-styled diet is correlated with a lower risk. On the other hand, a high intake of saturated fat and refined carbohydrates increases the risk of developing the disease.

